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    Rochester, NY

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  1. That's OK, I'll pay the co-pay. 🙂
  2. I have to PAY when I get a prostate exam. The lions give them for free!
  3. Sean McDermott. Great coaching job this year.
  4. Foot injuries often cause other injuries because you are constantly favoring it. Playing with it probably causes all kinds of soreness and trips to the chiropractor.
  5. Random criteria to establish a random ranking that means nothing - other than a way to get more clicks. Stopped paying attention years ago.
  6. Doesn't everyone realize that every success buffalo has is despite McD, and every failure is because of him?
  7. For those not familiar, we will see lots of posts hating on McDermott. Most people realize he's a very good coach, but some think every loss is his fault and every win is despite him. It's kinda funny.
  8. It's pretty sad how many reactionary, ill-informed, short-sighted bills fans there are.
  9. He’s been nearly invisible. He rarely gets doubled and still can’t penetrate or get off blocks. Very disappointing.
  10. Thanks for supporting my point. He needed to grow, and did. It took 20 years. So apply your same logic to McDermott. The dude changed the crap culture of the team that existed for a quarter century. One bad game and all the people come out saying he should be fired. Look at the title of the thread. "After we lose AGAIN in the playoffs." THE DAMN PLAYOFFS HAVEN'T EVEN STARTED! What the hell are people thinking? IT'S ONE GAME!!!!
  11. Not sure what you are saying here. Are you being literal thinking I want to wait 20 years for a SB? Really? That's not accurate. All I'm saying is that people develop, get better, and learn. McD has done that. Yesterday sucked, but the reactionary "fire him" crap is silly. And the "hire belecheat" crap is just ... not even worth talking about. But hey, if you're a hot take/no thought or perspective kinda guy, go for it.
  12. Andy Reid was a head coach for 20 years before winning a Super Bowl. Let’s have a little perspective here. the “fire him” takes are ridiculous.
  13. I chalk it up to being rusty. He hasn’t played at real game speed in over a year. I think they are probably playing him now to be ready for the playoffs. that said, I didn’t watch him specifically the whole game but he does seem a touch late on his read and recognition, but there were a few time I thought I saw the old Milano there. You don’t give up quickly on a talent like that. The film doesn’t lie, and I hope they get that corrected soon. the entire defense at every level was sub-par yesterday. Hard to single out one player when everyone was bad. Especially the d-line. It was bad.
  14. That's great! Big fan of a good marriage. Marrying my wife is by far the best thing I ever did.
  15. if it caused violence and psychosis, we’d see many more cases of it. There just isn’t the scientific or social evidence to support that. the only thing I’d worry about is hyperemesis syndrome.
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