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Rich in Ohio

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Everything posted by Rich in Ohio

  1. I sent GWB and friends an e-mail late yesterday about who I think he should nominate for the recently vacated supreme court seat. There is no question that the libs are going to freak out no matter who he nominates, but I say lets really drive them crazy by nominating this fine black woman who they just comfirmed a few weeks ago. I can just hear the arguments now from the nuts like kennedy, and schumer..... Kennedy "well, um.....she um...hick-up um...... was uh, good enough to be uhhh confirmed one uhhh month uhhhh ago, but ummmm, she has become uhhh, way tooo uhhh radical uhhhhh beteweeen uhhh hickup then and uhhh now." Then of course it would be a real treat to hear robert KKK byrd's take on the fact that a black woman was nominated. After all that would mean that there might be two black people on the bench. seriously, how can they make the case against her, after they just confirmed her? Can they claim "extreme circumstances"? Give me a break, this is going to be so much fun, I cannot contain myself. The leaders of the left (who happen to be on the extreme left) are pulling thier hair out with the way that things have developed. With O'Conner retiring first, this allows GWB to not only replace her with a conservative who will interperate the constitution and not legislate, but it then allows him to replace Renquist with Gonzales not just as a justice but possibly as Cheif Justice. At his young age that will truely help correct the higest bench in the land for some time to come.
  2. Yea, but everyone knows that a nice song sang by nice people make everything feel better.
  3. thanks to all for the kind words. its nice to be rid of my gas issues.
  4. the only thing that I could think that would have been worse then having him as a possible VP would have been having that weasel edwards as VP. No steel plate in his cranium but the way he repeated that old poor mill worker story made me think he had a mental condition that was similar in nature to the stockdale wound.
  5. Sorry that I missed all of the exciting blather going on here at two bills drive. I had to have a small surgery to correct a gastro intestinal infection that I had. Basically I had too much gas. But I am back now and ready to defend the right thinking people of our fine country, and combat liberals at every turn. my tummy and butt feel fine now, and it looks like I might be around for a while.
  6. ignorant comments like he made on the senate floor is pretty much the reason why the democrats are in the shape that they are in. Who in thier right min can support such anti-american statements and people. He clearly said this for effect. Whats next, will he come back out on the senate floor today and cry? That seems to be the flavor of the month...lets have a good cry together on the senate floor.
  7. would not surprise me one bit. I heard that he had a secret summit with algore and dachel in a remote undisclosed location. It is being referred to as the STB-BSL summit (Smarter Then Bush-But Still Losers). They were supposed to be joined by john edwards but he had to back out at the last moment because he got a hot lead on a possible personal injury lawsuit that he may take in which a guy turned on a bright light in a dark room, and he ended up seeing little green dots for about 2 minutes. Word is he will file a law suit against GE lighting for not properly warning him that this kind of tramatic event could possibly take place.
  8. That is some great news. I was hopeing she would make the run. Glad to see that she has the guts to come out early and make the announcement, unlike some other well known woman up in NY who is unwilling to make her intentions known publically. At the end of the day there is really no comparison between these two women. I would love to a real woman like Kathleen Harris in the senate to counterbalance the queen.
  9. Reading thru some of the posts in this thread I fail to see any comments on what is the true heart of this issue. That is the fact that what he said is racist. Why has no one called him on this? If that had been the RNC leader and he made a comment that the democrate party has a high percentage of black people and they all look the same, and they all eat watermelon the earths rotation would be halted and his white ass thrown overboard. Bottom line is that we all know dean is a fool, but this is really getting totally out of control. Saying things like that have zero value to anyone. And for you assmonkeys who will once again make the case that he is just whipping up the base you need to take a really hard look at what type of base needs such ignorant rhetoric to whip them up. Perhaps if they had some well laid out ideas and or some common sense leaders they would not need to be lathered up for the fight.
  10. yippie, I have not been this happy with the freaks in France for as long as I can remember. However I do have a very biased reason for feeling this way. See I work for a company that manufactures automation equipment in Germany and due to the high Euro value against the dollar recently, our products have been getting a little bit priced out of the market. We have actually grown market share but at the sacrifice of some profit margin. Since the frenchie french and others have rejected that wacky document, the value of the Euro has srunk another 5%. So Yippie....my profit margin, and thus Commision rate will be significantly effected. So, I say with all sincereity.......viva la france.
  11. His maddness works in small bands of nutjobs. These folks will not decide any election. They are small in number but load in voice. It seems like there are more of them because they scretch so load, but actually they are insignificant. Dean is doing exactly what I had hoped he would. Move the party even FURTHER out of the main stream. Thanks doc.
  12. Can we say "Attention Whore"
  13. I have been giving this Quran story some serious thought lately and I realized that my minions may need some enlightenment. So here is: First of all lets deal with the reality of the situation. Why would an interrogator really flush a Quran down the toilet? This would be stupid and more then likely have a negative effect on the prisoner. Typically interrogators are not looking to alienate their prisoners, they are looking to extract information out of them and other tactics would serve them much better. This may seem rather simple, but these things often are simple. Then of course we switch to the hypothetical. What if the interrogators flushed the Quran down the drain? Would the world end? Would the Christians win? Would the stars fall from the sky? The answer to all of the above questions is of course no. All that would happen is the drain would drain slower until the paper degenerated enough to pass thru the sewage pipes effectively. Now moving on to the Newsweek angle. It is obvious this was yet another attempt to make the US military (and US people in general) look like evil bastards. The left and the liberal media has made this their number one goal, and the fall out just continues. It is rather silly that even with all of the embarrassing apologies and excuses the liberal media has still not caught on. Such lies and manipulation are not getting by the huddled masses they way they used to. Simply too much correct information out there to allow such nonsense to pass. My bet is this will continue for some time because the left learns at a somewhat slower pace then normal people. Finally I will give you my take on the wacky folks who felt they needed to riot and murder innocent people because there was a Quran plugging the toilet drain. They are clearly insane and the fact of the matter is they are no different then the maniacs in south central who felt the need to riot because the Koreans were kicking their butts economically. At the end of the day they are equally nuts. Look any sane human being who riots and murders other human beings because a book may have been used as a plunger have to get a grip, and someone in that faith or community has to get control of these animals who continue to do these wacky things.
  14. This guy fox would make a great democrate. All you have to do to understand the complete ignorance of this guys statement is read this line from the article: "Mexican President Vicente Fox called recent U.S. measures to stem illegal immigration a step back for bilateral relations on Friday and said Mexican migrants do jobs "that not even blacks want to do." For him to say that the USA wanting to stem ILLEGAL immigration is a step backwards is the penecal of stupidity. Umm, fox ole pal..they are ILLEGAL..get it?? of course the refrence he made about black people just builds on the utter motherload of ignorance that he already spewed in the above comment. Screw mexico, and all those friggin illegal bastards. I say the minutemen rock...all they need now is top of the line weapontry, and maybe we can end this nonesense by years end. GOD Bless the Minutemen, keep illegal bastards out.
  15. My point is that the dems are not representing thier constituents at all. Simply obstructing with no real purpose other then to fulfill their agenda of everything anti GWB. This is very easy to see. regarding your point about voinovich PLEASE do not asscoiate me with that bastard. There are only two republicans in Ohio who have run for statewide office and that I have worked against. That bastard and the other liar john kaisch. Both of them would better serve the democrat party, and I do not and would not claim either of them. Please keep in mind...any time that you see a party senator holding up something that is obvious even to our pre teen children there is typically a demand that they have behind the scenes. This is absolutely the case with voinivich and he is playing his cards the way that he thinks it will best suit him. In the end he will lose, and so will Ohio. Unfourtuntely that has been the case since he has been here. Simply not liked by the current administration.
  16. Story about the obstructionist barbara boxer shorts It seems that this is all the democrates are capable of....obstructing. Can you name one constructive thing they have accomplished in the past 5 years? They spend soooo much time and energy on these obstruction tatics that they cannot possibly take a positive position on anything.
  17. actually I think that CBS should take a new approach. My suggestion is that they hire that nutjob jon stewert off of that cable channel that nobody watches, and bring him in to do the evening news. The audience will never know that anything has changed. They will simply believe what is said as fact because that is what they have been programed to do.
  18. Typical liberal whiner...attack, attack, attack. But unable to simply make a comment on the subject matter. Nice job caring the flag there pal.
  19. Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid continued to show his ignorance and disrespect for the office of President and the person of GWB. After giving a totally unbelievable apology reid offered that "Maybe my choice of words was improper, and I have indicated that maybe they were, but I want everyone here, I repeat, to know I'm going to continue to call things the way that I see them" Hmm, I wonder why Senator Lott didn't simply use that same lame excuse? Well maybe because he is not a loser, and he can take responsibility for his actions. Or maybe because his party held him to a higer standard. In either case he was skinned alive and senator reid is held up as an icon because he is being defiant. Or maybe it is simply that the democratic standards are subterranean. In any case I am sure the libs on this board will defend what reid said by once again claiming that Dick Cheney dropped an F Bomb, but that will not change the fact that a double standard is being applied to reid and he is being given a free pass by the media on this one. flame away libs
  20. Can you imagine if kerry and the ketcup queen would have won the white house what the nes of the regarding these numbers would be? It would be a orgasmic love fest of the highest degree. kerry would have been lauded as the greatest president in the last 100 years for saving our economy, and saving us from a afte worse then death. It would have been totally sickening.
  21. Nice try, but "a little left of center"? Please..... thus guy has zero chance. The queen will dominate the nomination process, and the left can do little to take shots at her for a multitude of reasosn. She will cruise thru almost untouched and then get destroyed by the right....who just can't wait.
  22. earth to blzrul......we are talking about the ignorance of a party leader making such a statement. How about addressing that point instead of throwing more minkey **** against the glass and smearing it around in an effort to confuse the issue. let me ask you simply: Do you think it was ignorant for your parties leader to make that statement about the President of the United States? It is a simple yes or no answer. Please refrain from answering a question with a question (which is a liberal trade mark) and just answer the friggin question.
  23. Not that you would understand it, because you are as big a shrill as ried, but there rally is no comparison between what reid said and what Cheney said. It is so funny how the Cheney comment is brought up every time it is pointed out that yet another ignorant democratic leader makes another ignorant comment about a Republican leader. It is like a battle cry for you guys. "well Cheney said a bad word so our guys can say bad things to" The point remains, reid sadi this, and NOTHING will be done to him about it. On the other hand, had that been a Republican leader who made that ignorant remark, he or she would have been run out of town on a rail. That leads me to believe that those kind of statement have simply become part of the landscape of the democrat party. Nobody expects anything less, or anything more...therefore everything is acceptable. Even when it is as ignorant a statement as the leader of the democractic party made. Keep up the good work......losers.
  24. Link to story Just read the article and see what this so called leader of the democratic party has to say about our CIC. Is there any wonder why that party is so minimzed? Can you imagine what an up roar there would be if this was any republican senator saying the same thing about any leading democrate. Give me a break...he would be skinned alive and left for dead. Then he would be burned at the stake before finally being placed forcefully into the electric chair for a final zap. This assclown should be removed from his leadership position because he clearly has no class, and no business being in any position of power.
  25. AD, thank you very much. Glad to see that we can agree on something.
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