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Rich in Ohio

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Everything posted by Rich in Ohio

  1. Are you insane? How is any of that spin? It is being reported as what KR said. Does this make it spin. Wake up and smell the coffee. My point is....wh the hell is spinning this? I think what is being said....is what was said. How complicated is that?
  2. Not at all. What do you really find so difficult to believe? Is the truth that far removed from you that you can no longer distinquish it from silliness?
  3. Lets just get some reality injected into the situation here before everyone on the left freaks out. first of all, I have seen no spin at all. It has been reported by a number of credible news organizations that KR did have some discusion with the reporter in question. It is also pretty widely reported that KR never gave a name. Hmm, lets see this was stated by the reporter himself. Please explain to me where the spin is. Furthermore, if it was KR that gave the name, I have little doubt that he will get what he deserves. Afterall he is not a democrate he is a conservative republican, and when men like him makes mistakes they are typically held to account. We all know that this is not the way it is on the left. If he did this, and he was a lefty....then a healthy promotion would be in order, and his status would be significantly increased within the party. GWB will do the right thing if there was wrong doing. And it will not have anything to do with political pressure from the nutty left. It would be because it was the right thing to do. This is not a concept that the left understands.
  4. I know that this is a little off subject but I just had to make the comment once I saw your taser reference. I have a friend who is a county sheriff near where I live, and I am proud to report that he currently leads the county in successful taser attacks. urrently he is at 18 successful tasers of idiots, losers and otherwise dumb criminals who failed to pay attention to simple orders given by law enforcement officials. I wish him continued success, and keep the jiuce rolling.
  5. Who cares? Dead or alive he is nothing more then a rallying point for the ignorant, insane muslims around the world who somehow believe that he is someone who is or was worth following. Weather he is dead or alive has no bearing on our lives today. The insanity that he helped to perpetuate is what it is. Do you think that the wacked out maggots who are strapping C4 to thier asses really got the call from him to do it? If dead....good, I only hope that it was long slow and painful....and not just a blast of good ole American technology. If alive, I hope that he is enjoying his life as a worm under ground. May he live long and meaningless life underground with the rest of the maggots, worms, and rotting dung. He is not worthy of the energy that it took to send this electronic message.
  6. well the least you could do is give an answer takes at least makes the apperance that you gave it 30 seconds of thought. That is not to much to ask. and yes by the way, I am feeling a little bloated today.
  7. Good afternoon to you to sweet pea. Have we taken our meds yet today. don't forget, peoples court coming on at 2:00pm, yea definately 2:00pm.
  8. What kind of vague, meaningless answer is that? JSP was expecting some level of enlightenment and what you provide for him is babble. Saying that "it depends on what part of the part of the country you are in" is kind of like saying it depends where you are located on the earth as to what time the sunset will occur. Duh The way I see it, JSP has an excellent point. The folks are still lining up in huge numbers to stand up for themselves and thier new found country. They are happy to live in a free country but they appear to be more willing to die for creating it and defending it. I think that is a very strong statement. The idiots who are coming from other countries in the region are basically looking to die. They have nothing to live for in the dirt and sand of their own busted down homeland, and they basically are ignorant enough to be sold a bill of godds by some wacky internet god named osama, and a few nutty clerics, who have been exposed to the heat and bad food for way too long. These nut jobs are no different then the jerks who david korrish taked into believing his line of BS so he could sleep with all of thier wives. Look there is no shoratage of stupid ignorant losers in this world who can be convinced that strapping on 50 lbs of C4 and walking into a day care center and ligthing themselves off is a better future then washing your rags and going out and finding a job somewhere.
  9. Can't hardy wait to see what the nuts on the left have to complain about here. After all it's just another positive economic report. If the same report had come out with a lib in the white house there would have been an orgy to end all orgies. There would have been a gala thrown in honor of whoever was in office. There would have been a move to immediately place that persons face on Mt. Rushmore. Then after all that was taken care of, there would have been a big parade to celebrate the amazing accomplishments of such a caring and wise person. Instead we are stuck with people like kennedy, shumer, and byrd who will find some evil meaning to such numbers. Perhaps haliburton is behind it, or some other evil conservative hate group, who want to see people working and taking care of themselves.
  10. Kelly just has a fixation with my nuts. Please do not try to make too much out of it. Some guys just like nuts.
  11. actually it has....I have not farted all day.
  12. Are you saying that my post was a little too slow for you? I will try to simplify for you and others who are having trouble.
  13. Are you watching my nuts??
  14. Boomer, I am surprised that you even have to ask such a silly question.
  15. Thank you.....glad to be back....and the gas has subsided.
  16. I say show me where any Republican has spoken out about this. What a moron.
  17. Thats great news !!!!!! Gonzales can take Rehnquists place and then another conservative in the place of stevens. Can this possibly get any better? Lets hope that this report is true. Nothing will make me happier then seeing the libs freak out all summer long as thier world crumbles around them. The nightmare senario may be upon them. The man who was ultimately put into power by the Supreme Court, may indeed shape it for the next 30 years. Awesome!!
  18. GWB secretly staged the bombings in London to take the attention off of his selection for the supreme court? Not to mention the fact that him and Cheney wanted to get some new work for the evil Haliburton perhaps in rebuilding some of the tunnels. I say that by the end of the weekend, kennedy, shumer, and byrd should be making accusations and floating the idea. Or perhaps pelosie may beat them all to the punch.
  19. Once again it looks like our friends the peace loving muslim extremists have strapped on thier death belts and taken a ride on the subway. This time they targeted more innocent people who were doing nothing more then going to work, or taking thier children to the day care center. If they were expecting the Brits to act like the weasels in Spain they have clearly guessed wrong. No doubt the Brits and the the good ole USA are drawing up some new and stepped up plans to exterminate these sub humans at even a greater pace then they have been.
  20. It must be Janice Rogers Brown......... if nothing else it will make the nuts on the left go totally insane. Well, they are already insane...I guess it will just help get the panties in a bunch. I just can't wait to hear thier arguments about how a black womanshould not be on the bench after they just confirmed her a few weeks ago. Should be an very interesting few weeks.
  21. well, I had too much gas apparantly, and that had built up before I was gone for a while. There is no build up now, I have been poked...and the pressure released. Everything is good to go and ready to launch now.
  22. last time I looked it was just one tiny little step away. Seems like the type of stupid arguement that will be expected of them. they held her up for almost two years....smeared her good name, and told lie after lie about her. It would only be fitting if the President nominated her and let the dems squirm again. Could you imagine, Thomas and her on the bench at the same time......the left would never recover.
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