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Rich in Ohio

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Everything posted by Rich in Ohio

  1. Hospitals don't kill people....people kill people. The exact same arguement that normal people have made about guns since I have been alive.
  2. I agree with your assement JSP. I will also add that their dayd are numbered, and thier numbers are dwindling. On a good week we eliminate 50 to 60 of these sub-humans, and on a great week we get a few hundred of them.
  3. Everything that the fat pig mickael moore says falls into one of these three catagories; 1) a flat out lie 2) An ignorant statement that has no basis in fact (see item 1) above) 3) Pure hate rhetoric which comes from his desire to be right at the expense of the rest of the normal people in the USA What moore is there to say?
  4. aww, the radical left crowd will not allow something as simple as the facts get in the way of thier support for the insurgent murders. Not so much that they support the murder of children directly...but the do love it when things go badly for GWB and the USA in general.
  5. Regularly...and without fail. some people, simply cannot handle it.
  6. God rest Joe Fergusons soul. Underutilized huh???
  7. Hey rubes, not a genious, just right. Why is thast so hard to understand? This is the entire point of this thread.....even when the news is good...the folks on the left find doom and devistation in it. No wonder they are the party of no....and nothing else.
  8. excuse me but since when is stateing the facts bloviating?? try reading the article and making a reasonable comment on it. I know that this is hard because it may totally go against your politics, but at least give it some effort.
  9. I don't dislike you either Rueben. I have to admit that I expected more out of you considering how highly we drafted you, but I appreciated the effort that you gave while you played. As for being a lefty....well after all we are only human and I am sure that in time you will come around. Hang in there.
  10. allah.....ala........ala cart.........awwwwwlllaaaaaaa who the hell cares? what the hell is the difference? I know how its spelled...just like ruffeling the feathers of the likes of you.
  11. God Bless you. You get my hero of the day award.
  12. Article Looks like those nasty, terrrible, evil tax breaks that GWB and friends gave to all of us actually did create more tax revenue and lower the deficit. Hmmm, I thought that the earth was going to stop spinning and the doors to Hell would open up and swallow us because we allowed our elected officials to let us keep some of our money. can't wait to see how moveon.frog spins this one. Any guesses on what thier headlines will be???
  13. I got to watch Michelle Wie today and let me tell you, she is unbelievable. This kid destroyed the loser that had to play with her as she firmly planted herself within the cut. She tees off at 11:15am tommorrow and I will take off for a few hours and watch her destroy some other losers life as well. My son is 24 years old and plays scratch golf and he was just blown away by her talent. For only being 15 years old her poise and control of the situation is unreal. I have not seen a swing like hers ever in person...and I have seen alot of excellent golf. She will not only compete on the PGA tour someday...she will win. Mark it down.
  14. I was trolling for some Walleye last week. But I do not know what that has to do with this. BTW, I a always serious. DCTom told me that I was not funny and that I should not try to be. He was so wish and awe inspiring that I have heeded his advice since that fateful day. Now, I only bring seriousness to the discussion. That is why the losers on the left dislike me so much. They cannot handle the truth. It is a painful concept to them. It is a reality which they cannot accustom themselves to. It is a rhelm where they know not how to tread.
  15. Yea..those Mods give me gas.
  16. Have you seen some of those middle eastern chicks??? Hardly worth vaporizing your body for. Althought with the crappy life they live in that sand and rock filled paradise, maybe a sweaty, nasty stick hole like rosey o'donnell is a worthy goal.
  17. It is clearly Homicide bomber. If someone is going to commit suicide, then they could just jump off a building or hold thier breathe or swallow some lead (one shot normally does the job). But if they choose to strap on 20kg of C4 explosive and load thier little fanny packs with shrapnel and then go into a church or day care center, or catch the bus to the wailing wall...then this sub-human raghead can only be called a homicide bomber. Perosnally I hope that his 72 virgins all look and smell like Rosey O'Donnell
  18. hey assmonkey, my ass is no longer filled with flatulence. It has been healed........all praise ala. anyway, why would I even consider argueing with someone as closed minded and self rightious as you? That would be silly. Unless of course I brought my catchers mitt with me to be sure to capture all the crap that you are throwing around these days.
  19. I am wearing only underware today....they do not have pockets.
  20. You are way too kind to him.
  21. Bluefire are you kidding me??????? You really cannot see the difference between the two? Let me help you !!! 1) Civilians in a non war torn country - otherwise known as innocent people going about thier own little lives. 2) Civilians in a war torn country - That is being attacked not by soldiers but by sick, inhuman lower then ass scum people who for the most part are not even from thier country. Now that we have the two different forms of civilians defined please take note that the civilians in catagory 2) have recntly been liberated and as soon as enough ammunition and other ordinance can be dispursed upon the aformentioned sub-humans then the problem will go away. In the mean time they understand the nature of thier existance. They happened to live under the boot of one of the owrst tirants in history...and now they are free. There is a cost to this freedom just like there was for our country a few hundred years ago. Now the other civilians in catagory 1) they are truely innocent and they are guilty of nothing more then simply getting out of bed in the morning, showering, putting on thier clothes and hittinf the subways abd busses as they head off for work. Nowhere in thier mindset did they expect that they would have to put on thier kevlar vests and don thier chemical masks as part of that daily INNOCENT ritual. The fact that you see no difference between the two...makes you simply to ignorant to converse with. There really is no other way to put it. You have to be able to see the difference if you have even one sliver of decency in you. I for one have my doubts about weather you do...or not.
  22. I wonder how that assmonkey feels about the indiscriminant killing of a few sick muslim clerics? I have no doubt that there are many who would like to help him share that experience. Did he really say that because the term civilian does not exist in his sick world then the terrorists see no distinction between them and soldiers. I always knew that these people were sick, but this goes even beyond my ability to understand. Hate propagators like that bastard sit there behind the walls of their mosques and spew this hate speech and little is done to them. I feel that the day is coming when the fight will be taken to them….in their places of peace. Unfortunately many innocent people will be the victims, and the ones who deserve such a fate will no doubt escape. Perhaps to a cave deep in the afghan mountains or perhaps into some other crude spider hole. Now just to make it clear to the moderators who seem to have me in their sights……I am not advocating the death and destruction of these insane men of peace. I am just wondering what they would think about someone or some group who would target them…..like they do they innocent women and children that they routinely support the murders of.
  23. what exactly was funny about her ignorant post? She made some insinuation that my brains were in my ass. making lite of my medical condition. I guess that this is what you consider funny. DCTom used to give me hell about not being funny. Well if this is what you people think funny is, then no wonder my quality material was going straight over your heads. as for debbie, my post above says it all. thanks for your support.
  24. In my case it was ass surgery. I know that your brain resides in that general area, but mine is pretty much where everyone elses is.
  25. dude...refer to my post above to the other radical, it applies to you as well.
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