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Rich in Ohio

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Everything posted by Rich in Ohio

  1. Please don't try to help these idiots understand......it will only make your brain hurt. They are not interested in common sense or hearing from people who actually work in the industry...they need something to hate...and something to B word about to make thier meaningless lives somehow seem meaningful. I for one welcome some higher gas prices...I have noticed that there are fewer people on the road. If this is the price that I have to pay for more open roads to unwind my HEMI...then I am all for $5.00 per gallon prices. Its just money...if you need more...then make more.
  2. Whats the big deal? If you want to drive...shut up and pay. If you want to walk...buy a nice pair of shoes, or get a decent bike. In the mean time, get in touch with reality........gas prices are not for us to control. It is also not the governments job to regulate the prices. B word and complain all you want....if I had the reserves and I controlled the oil....I can assure you the price per barrel would be as high as I could possibly make it. Afterall, my family has needs.
  3. Special promotion Actually that was just to get your attention...it is actualy $41.99 per month. Anyway the hell with the price of a gallon of gas or a friggin bag of doritos........DirectTv at only $41.99 per month and if you sign up now, you can get 4 free recievers (one of them an 80 hour DVR) plus free installation now this is one great deal. This is unbeatable.....especially when you add in the NFL Ticket. Unless of course you already get all this and more........FOR FREE !!!!
  4. This is taken from the Wash Times: Dean's latest Howard Dean, the Democratic National Committee chairman who was the hero of his party's anti-war wing before his gaffe-prone 2004 presidential candidacy crashed and burned in Iowa, still doesn't think the Iraqis are better off with dictator Saddam Hussein out of power and in prison. Appearing on CBS' "Face the Nation" yesterday, the fiery former Vermont governor said, "It looks like today, and this could change, as of today it looks like women will be worse off in Iraq than they were when Saddam Hussein was president of Iraq." Mr. Dean was the guy who said right after Saddam was found hiding in a "spider hole" that his capture by U.S. troops "has not made America safer," a statement ridiculed and condemned by most of his Democratic rivals at the time. In a brief statement yesterday, the Republican National Committee said, "Dean's wild assertion that Iraqi women would be better off living under Saddam Hussein than democracy is not only counterproductive to meaningful debate, it demeans the hard work of American servicemen and women serving in Iraq." Now there is political rhetoric, and then there is plain stupidity...this falls under the total stupidity catagory. leave it to the dean.
  5. How are you today CrapMonk? Have anything worthwhile to add, or just doing the useual again....throwing crap?
  6. Do you ever have anything worth while to say? Or is it always hate related? Comments on the subject matter would be appreciated, but your continued ignorance is a sign of your real motivations here.
  7. This is why I consider you to be one of the most credible people on this board. You totally get it, and kudos for bringing it to the attention of everyone...especially our special ed friends on the left. Hopefully they will not spew hate your for simply expressing such commonsense. Soldier On !!!
  8. I am with you VA there was non stop news about this rescue. I think that blzrul simply spends too much time listening to the whiners and bitchers on airheadamerica to get any real news. I heard reports from the time the C-5 took off with the mini subs to almost a play by play of the rescue itself. Now that I think about it, how could blzrul possibly have known that this was even going on? Afterall this is good news. Not only that, but it is good news with respect to helping others around the world. That is a deadly combination for her type. My bet is she will find some negitive slant to throw at this recuse someway somehow. It is her nature.
  9. I did not know that you spoke russian.
  10. ummm, who won? Yea thats what I thought. BTW, do you have any idea what the dems spent to get thier man in? Yea, thats what I thought. You guys are such a joke.
  11. Whats so funny? Have you spent time in Ohio? Are you familiar with the nuts who live in the cleveland area? My guess is no. Well, let me tell you that most of Ohio is rather normal. Of course there are some liberal nuts in each of the big cities but other then cleveland they are pretty much neutralized by the normal people so thier impact while annoying, has no real lasting impact. Basically they are good entertainment for normal folks. Also, if you knew anything about cleveland and the way that the city is run then you would know that for the most part they yhink that kuncinich is a normal guy. Need I really say more? Oh btw, it was kucinich and his kind (you know the liberal nuts) who bankrupted the city of clevelnad while he was the mayor. And just to show you how insane the majority of the population there is, they still kinda like that freak. So when I say that the rest of Ohio is normal compared to the freaks in cleveland it is because this is based on facts no just opinion.
  12. Oil for food story I remember when everyone on the left was freaking out about the war in Iraq this was brought up as one of the reasons we had to go down the path that we did. While I will conceed that there was no hard evidence at the time it seemed very liklely that france and others were working dilgently to hide something. Well looky here....now the truth is coming out and it looks like there was definately some dirty business being transacted by those who were charged with a humanitarian mission by the UN. I wonder if we can get a count of how many people parrished in iraq due to starvation because they never recieved the food they were supposed to. And why didn't they? Well because assmonkeys like this sevan guy and many others thought they had a better use for saddams blood money. Lets hope that these criminals are pursused with the same vigor and energy that they soldiers who put underware on their heads were. If we can get that kind of effort out of the elites on this one as they gave on the au grab ass one, then we have a chance at putting some folks in prison. of course don't expect that kind of effort.....after all, people only starved to death in the oil for food scandale, unlike the panty raid that took place in abu grab ass.
  13. Being from the area I can tell you, this race was never in doubt. Hackett did a nice job and got respect his service. I do not think that this means anything nationaly. This part of ohio is rather strong on the conservative front. It almost offsets the complete liberal insanity in cleveland (but not quite). The rest of ohio is pretty normal and that is why the republican party will continue to do well here. Even dems in this state cannot support those who have siezed the democratic party.
  14. hey monkey, they hated us before they were captured the first time......nence that is why they were captured. The point was they were released only to go back to the same insane behavior as before. If we would have just eliminated them on the battlefield there would be so much less crap to deal with. We have to try harder in that respect.
  15. Well whimper all you want, the fact of the matter is we now have an ass kicker in the UN and perhaps now we can get some of that waste hole cleaned up. We are paying the lions share for this mess, we should have a lion minding the store. My bet is Bolton will not stand by and allow young girls in Africa to be raped by the losers that kofi has been looking the other way on.
  16. wow is it possible for me to get those 3 minutes back?
  17. I would grow up ....and finally become a 12 pack. just kidding...couldn't resist.
  18. yea, but the type of no it all libs that you will find in here have no such interest to put thier asses on the libne where it really matters. They would rather do what they do best right back here from the comfort of thier own couches. And that is B word moan and monday quarterback about everything that real hard working people do as they try to make a difference.
  19. so NY Orangeman, you seem to be happy that unborn babies will continue to be murdered. That makes this a good pick in your mind? I suggest that even if you really fell that way, perhaps you could post some other less stupid reason to like the lick. The murder of the innocent unborn is a really poor choice. IMHO
  20. Nope..its basically simple because...well, it's simple. have a nice day
  21. unfortunately not many on here have half a clue. At least not half a clue that is functioning all at the same time. I mean, they may actually have half of a clue...but maybe only 1/3 of the half is fucntioning at any one time. At other times maybe 1/8 of the remaining 2/3rds of a clue may be working and so on, and so on.
  22. Please the answer to the question is so obvious, I feel rather embarassed having to explain it toyou. But I will: You are correct the issue should be qualified judges. Moreover they should be judges who are not interested in legislating from the bench. The reason that I am (in your words..pulling so hard) for conservative judges is because they get that. They do have the tendancy to try to create things that are not there...they instead concentrate on what is there. Simple as that. The liberal leaning judges (including the one that just retired) have seemingly little respect for what is, and more interest on what they think it should be. That is a reciepe for the freak socialist state that we were heading towards.
  23. yes minds that are thinking correctly.......as opposed to knuckeheads who try to legislate from the bench.
  24. The future of the United States of America will greatly be set into motion in what will undoubtedly be one of the most important battles in recent times. Of course I am speaking about the nuclear war that is set to take place as GWB nominates not only one but two Supreme Court Justices. Not to mention that if all goes well, and some of the reports are true then he could also very well get the oppertunity to name a 3rd, which would make his presidency one of the the most important in the past 100 years. Consider the fact that he will more then liekly place at least two 50 year old (or so) conservative judges on the bench to go along with Scalia, and Thomas who are reletively young as SCJ go. That will be 4 young minds who are thinking correctly and if GWB is able to add that 5th good young judge, the tabel will be set for normal judicial action in our country for the next quarter of a century. Lets hope that Stevens see the light and steps away, as rumored. Or we would gladly replace Ginsburg with another woman justice perhaps in the mold of Mrs. Brown.
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