Rich in Ohio
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Everything posted by Rich in Ohio
dude, 54 yards is 54 yards...regardless if it is pre-season or regular season. we were all wondering if this guy could hit a 45 yarder.
So just because you claim to be nuetral you somehow get to pass judgement on others. Kiss my ass. It was a question, and jokers would rather have your little fun then simply engage in disucssion. That is always the way it has been here, and I guess it always will be. I asked the question the way i did because it appears that there is something being glossed over there. What the hell is so wrong with that? Friggin grow up and if you don't want to respond like a normal person then just shut the F#@k up. Your kind of ignorance and better then everyone else attitude is what is totally wrong with this forum.
excuse me, but what is stupid about asking a few questions? This is a rather interesting story. Again my question is, who or what iss being protected here. If you feel dirty for responding then go take a figgin shower. If ypu got a little bit of the monkey sh-- that you are throwing around on you...then I suggest a shower for you as well. Otherwise please feel free to opine.
Matt Lauer goes fishing for low troop morale
Rich in Ohio replied to SilverNRed's topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
Who are you referring to ? Our fine US military soldiers? -
I do not see how you can think I am moving too fast on this one mickster, I am just asking a question.
DirectTV only $14.99 per month
Rich in Ohio replied to Rich in Ohio's topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
BiB, I would hook you up brother, but the lefties are on to me and it is simply tooo hot right now. I do not want to mess up a good thing, and I feel as though they have me under survelence at the moment. I will get with you when the heat is off me a little bit. -
Hmmm, I guess that this information was just not interesting enough to be included in the 9-11 report. Again, I wonder who or what was being protected. I think that more then a few asses are feeling the heat right now in and around washington, and harlem NY. Now I really wonder what those documents that sandi berger had in his socks were? NY Times story
Story It clearly looks like this was white washed by the 9-11 commission. The question is why. Who or what were they protecting? I understand that the case can be made that we were not able to share intel the way we are now, that is a given. We smartly corrected most of that with the patriot act. The poit is, why did the 9-11 commission seemingly ignore such information when they were clearly looking for someone, or some administration to pin the deaths of 3,000 plus people on. This seems like as good a tool to do that as any others we have seen. The report clearly mentions ata....how much more of a connection is needed? Please explain why this was omitted from the final report.
Cindy Sheehan is a puppet and a nut
Rich in Ohio replied to Rich in Ohio's topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
Very well said. -
Cindy Sheehan is a puppet and a nut
Rich in Ohio replied to Rich in Ohio's topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
Nope...just happen to pay attention. Try it, and maybe you to will gain amazing insight. She is a nut...plain and simple. He was a soldier (by all accounts a good one) plain and simple. Her husband has filed for divorce, plain and simple. her family disagrees with her stance, plain and simple. With all those plain and simples....why is it so difficult for you to comprehend??? -
Cindy Sheehan is a puppet and a nut
Rich in Ohio replied to Rich in Ohio's topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
No need to take either my word or hers mick, perhaps we should both take the word of the normal family members that were in his life. They all seem to disaree with the nut case. And regardless of what you say, when she allowed herself to be used by the liberal left hate machine she opened herself up and now she is being exposed. She is becoming a joke, and I have no doubt that she started with good intentions. But this is what happens when you let nuts like those on the liberal left steer you. -
DirectTV only $14.99 per month
Rich in Ohio replied to Rich in Ohio's topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
I wish that I had a penny for every time you and your kind try to end a discussion by saying that someone is just being a mouthpiece. I can only speak for myself, and it is simply my good fortune that so many other right minded thinkers feel the same way as I do. As for debbie she is a mindless nut. Other then dean who I think she direct contact with, she is even beyond some of the nuttiest in the leftest party. -
Is Racial Profiling of Muslims Wrong?
Rich in Ohio replied to PTS's topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
I don't see him firing blanks, just telling it like it is. Profiling should be excercised with regularity. Until 80 year old ladies and 5 year old children start delivering the bomb filled back packs we should keep our eyes open for the obvious. I am not a profile expert but I have no troublw with those who are doing so to keep innocent people safe from those who would gladly slaughter us. Who are you trying to protect? and what are you worried about? -
Cindy Sheehan is a puppet and a nut
Rich in Ohio replied to Rich in Ohio's topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
Um excuse me mickster, but I believe that her son was of age and he volenteered. He served proudly by all accounts and he knew what he was fighting for. She is disgracing him and his service. I have acknoledged her loss, and feel for her from a parents perspective. My point is she has gonr political wacko and is now on a mission along with fat ass moore and his kind to simple smear America and spread hate. I have a hard time standing by and watching my country disrespected in such a way. As for what my excuse is, well I happen to have a son serving in the military t the moment and while he is not there at this time, he could be sent over. Or he could be sent to some other area of the world to fight for our country and defend us from evil. If called upon he will do so proudly because that is the way that he was raised. I will NEVER disrespect him and his choice by blamming someone for his death or claiming that our CIC murdered him. I guess that is what my excuse is. -
Cindy Sheehan is a puppet and a nut
Rich in Ohio replied to Rich in Ohio's topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
And GOD Bless the brave soldiers of our military where ever they are in the world for doing the work that they have willing signed up to do. They are TRUE heros and thier sacrifice is worthy of our thanks. These brave men and women understand the importance of taking the fight to the enemy and they do it better then any military in the history of the world. Without these types of heros amoung us, we would be nothing more then spain or france. GOD Bless President Bush as well, and continued strength as he leads the fight agaisnt those who would gladly slaughter our children where they play and our families where they live. Thank you for staying the course. -
Cindy Sheehan is a puppet and a nut
Rich in Ohio replied to Rich in Ohio's topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
I was talking about this wacked out woman and her nuttiness. You may be talking about polititians. Either way you have the right to be wrong. -
DirectTV only $14.99 per month
Rich in Ohio replied to Rich in Ohio's topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
If you were able to take the htread in the context of the other silly threads on this board it would make some sense to you. If it it only taken by itself, I would agree that it would be rather useless. -
Cindy Sheehan is a puppet and a nut
Rich in Ohio replied to Rich in Ohio's topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
Are you kidding me? How in the hell can you even remotely equate the two situations? Or were you just looking to say something that seems kool and witty? This nutty womans son was a soldier. He signed up for the military and accourding to all reports he did his job well, and he made his family proud. Then his mother gets in bed with fat ass moore and the like and all the sudden she is the liberal left GWB hating poster child. When contrasted with a womans tragic brian injury, and the battle over weather or not to allow her to continue to be fed by a tube I really do not see any similarity. Is it just me, or are you just trying to say something stupid for the sake of saying something stupid? I think that you can find a link on fat ass moores website for where to send your contributions to her cause. -
Cindy Sheehan is a puppet and a nut
Rich in Ohio replied to Rich in Ohio's topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
Wow how deep and insightful. How long did it take you to come up with such a stirring and moving thought? Did you have to phone a friend? -
Come on, how long is this stupid story going to continue to occupy headline status. It is clear that she is a nut, and a hack for the liberal left. It is true that she has suffered a great loss, but please her statements are more then wacko. I could understand if she said these things a few weeks after her son was killed in combat but not this long after. Look I understand that the freaks on this site will surely flame me for being insensitive or whatever else they come up with. I could really care less. I did my time in the military and I served proudly with many fine young men and women who absolutely knew the nature of thier jobs and thier mission. If and when they were called upon, they would serve and serve proudly and diligently. Her son was no doubt a fine soldier and he deserves a better fate then his wacky mother is making for him. She is shaming him, and making a laughing stock out of his service and his sacrifice. greaving is one thing but making such ignorant statements as this is another; 1) "I want to ask the president why HE killed my son" 2) "I want him to honor my son by bringing the troops home immediately," 3) She continueally calls the president a murderer. and so on and so on. This nut is posting daily on fat ass michael moores website as well as many other left wing radical sites. She is bascally nothing more then a political operative. Now I have nothing against political operatives, don't get me wrong. But I do have a problem with the ones who hide behind a tragic event as a way to spew thier polital nonesense. Again this is the highest level of disrespect that she could lay at her sons gravesite. Over the past few days many if not most of her relitives have come out and distanced themselves from this insane woman. Now we find out today that her husband of 28 years has filed for divorce. CClearly he does not like the way that she has sold her son out for the hacks on the liberal left and the media enablers. To wrap this sickness up, let me be the first to say, I am proud of her son and his service to our country. I also have no doubt that his fellow service members feel the same way. Also, I do not advocate silencing this nut, that would go against one of the very things that her brave son fought to protect. However, if a stray round from a near by dove hunters shotgun somehow found its way into her backside, I would not shed a tear.
DirectTV only $14.99 per month
Rich in Ohio replied to Rich in Ohio's topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
Nothing to catch sweetpea. On the other hand, jealousy is such a fun thing to watch manifest itself. You self righteous people are such a joke. -
DirectTV only $14.99 per month
Rich in Ohio replied to Rich in Ohio's topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
No, I pretty much meant what I said. That is why I said it. Unlike many others on here who have no idea how to say what they mean. You know the type, follow the party line.......or should I say mindlessly follow the party line. At least we all know that you are just whippig crap around. That is one of the reasons that I give you some measure of respect......you are not afraid to call yourself as you see yourself. -
DirectTV only $14.99 per month
Rich in Ohio replied to Rich in Ohio's topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
More mindless babble. Have you nothing of substance to add? -
More Greatness from the Dean
Rich in Ohio replied to Rich in Ohio's topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
hey philburger1, stop trying to bring sucj common sense to the discussion. These nuts on the left will brand you as a radical neo-con who should be skinned alive in a public forum. You have to realize, they cannot handle such truth. Their leader has spoken and it is now thier responsibility to defend his ignorance no matter how insane it seems. Afterall dean was thier savor for a few months and many still believe that he will be risen. All hail whacky dean and his entourage. -
More Greatness from the Dean
Rich in Ohio replied to Rich in Ohio's topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
Umm, please give me an example of the last time (or the first time for that matter) that the RNC chairman was inciteful, or simply ignorant like dean is on a regular basis. I will await your reply with bated breath.