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Buford T. Justice

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Everything posted by Buford T. Justice

  1. Do you have to pay for his little stay at the RTF or do the taxpayers get the joy of that?
  2. BF just cancelled his flight.
  3. Make sure you type 20th, not 20
  4. As long as no sensitive females are behind you.
  5. No one is forcing the poor trailer park guy to spend his money on the lottery. It's all about personal choice. He's not being "taxed" he's choosing how to spend his money. If I were him, it would be going to better my childrens life. If he wants to spend it on a dream, then he only has himself and his family to answer to (or the public if he's using welfare dollars for it.) As for myself, I have a extra dollar to spend on a dream AFTER I take care of all my responsibilities and ensure a good future for my wife and children (when I have kids that is.) You might say it's stupid and that's fine for you, but I know where to find at least 8 people who would say otherwise.
  6. 8 stupid people just came into more money then you'll ever see. Honestly, only delusional people think they'll actually win, but if you have the extra cash to blow then what's wrong with it? Especially when so much of the money goes towards education and other worthy programs.
  7. You say you don't know anyone in the area to network...but have you been networking with the people you do know at home? You'd be amazed at how many people might know someone in the area you're looking to move. People have family, friends and business partners all over the country now days.
  8. A whole nation on suicide watch. I love it.
  9. Glad the guy fixed his wrong, but please do yourself a favor and don't confront a guy again. My mom once got chased into a parking lot because some jerk didn't like the fact she pulled into traffic about four blocks in front of him and drove the speed limit. I saw another guy get their windshield ripped out in the middle of a state highway. You just never know who you're dealing with. Right and wrong isn't always that important.
  10. I saw it, just too obvious...
  11. I generally like to play on my own, but you just can't say no when a group of coworkers asks you to go in on it. Just imagine being the guy stuck at work when everyone else wins. Talk about regret. Not that I'll ever win anyways, although I did win a whole $7 on last nights mega-millions drawing.
  12. That's what you call an exaggeration for dramatic effect.
  13. As opposed to a regular football fan?
  14. Nor have I ever wanted it.
  15. I've never had that happen with cable. Sorry, can't help you with your question.
  16. He's skating for himself, not for his country.
  17. Good luck in your recovery Bishop Tomcat http://www.cnn.com/2006/US/02/14/bishop.al...m.ap/index.html
  18. NJSue and Google
  19. I agree. Why limit yourself to a sh-- hole of a city when you have can have a whole country of shittyness, Canada.
  20. I really wish they grouped the photos according to age. That way I would know which ones to look at and which to forward to meeza.
  21. The plane will need to meet the minimum standard of 90 seconds for evac time so I don't think that will be an issue. Here's a good article on it. http://service.spiegel.de/cache/internatio...,354366,00.html On the otherhand, a plane with 800 people aboard would certainly be a terrorists wet dream.
  22. Yeah BF, Ed's girl has been kind of used up.
  23. Are they a partner of another site you've been to (i.e. Amazon) that could possibly share the same account info?
  24. Good for him. I had a moment like that when I was a kid. Pinnacle of my sporting career.
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