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Buford T. Justice

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Everything posted by Buford T. Justice

  1. The FBI was called into WWE headquarters today to investigate a milky white substance in the ring found by the Ultimate Warrior. Biological investigators and Homeland Security were called in to test the unknown substance. After 4 long hours of tests, wrestlers were allowed back into the ring. Investigators concluded that the white substance was just spillage from when Hulk Hogan was spread eagle over the turnbuckle taking it from behind by the Macho Man.
  2. Leave him alone. He needs something to look forward to everyday. You would too if you lead such a pathetic little existance.
  3. I think the horse is begging for mercy.
  4. That's why they have this little invention called film. I'm not against giving them the boot right now, but you don't rush and get any old GM or coach in here right away. That kind of process takes a little more then 3 weeks.
  5. Offensive line anyone?
  6. I hear they make good step-stools. You should get a cat, you could finally reach the top shelf of the cabinet.
  7. Best news of the week. Go play golf, lay on the beach and enjoy your golden years Marv.
  8. It would really suck to see Marv come back, have a few losing seasons and tarnish his legacy in Buffalo. Stay retired Marv.
  9. Add yet another question to the list to ask potential brides.... "How do you feel about the unsupervised use of living room furniture by the mentally "Dawgged"?"
  10. Excellent post. Without context, if somebody were to say "death by barcalounger" chances are you'd laugh your ass off. With context, it's only funny in certian situations.[e.g. "ieatcrayonz got piss drunk (yet again) and stuck his head in the barcalounger last night. His dog then jumped on the foot rest closing his head in it. Thinking it was a game, the dog became overly excited and pissed all over ieatcrayonz as he was suffocated."]
  11. I wonder how ieatcrayonz feels about his people being insulted like this? I can just picture him sitting at home on the computer....yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyy! I got mail! I got mail! Seriously though, I feel you have to be able to laugh at just about everything in life. But, what this chick did was just plain mean and vindictive. Karma's a B word, she'll get hers.
  12. Why do I picture you doing your math this way?
  13. A wise man once said, "Wow, talk about somebody on a crusade misrepresenting the truth to fit their own needs."
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