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Buford T. Justice

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Everything posted by Buford T. Justice

  1. Weird. Although it has happened before I believe. A hurricane formed in the 50' or 60's after Christmas. Don't remember exactly.
  2. Example # 3,423 that quality wins over quantity.
  3. I'm sure that caught him off guard, seeing how big a supporter he is of intelligent design.
  4. Got herpies from a penguin and died a tragic death.
  5. I haven't paid for a movie in 2 years. My company hands out movie passes like candy. Yet to win the Bills tickets though.
  6. Can we put the submit button at the top of the page so VA can't reach it?
  7. Doubtful. But give me your phone # and I'll let you know.
  8. 20 years from now, blzrul may pull her head out of her ass.
  9. Two options here 1. Homeless - Warm bed and a hot meal for Christmas. 2. Married - Doesn't have to go to the inlaws for Christmas. Either way he wins.
  10. If you're going that direction with it then I disagree this is emblematic of society. How many responses in this thread had a apathetic attitude and how many had a feeling compassion? If you take the percentage I'd make the arguement that society in general seems to be overall very compassionate.
  11. I agree. And just to clarify my comments, by selfish I don't mean that in a bad way. People have different ways of responding to things. It is certianly acceptable to pick and choose who you go out of your way and give condolences for. If every person mourned every tragic death this would be a very depressed society. It is selfish to pick and choose and to pay attention to one death more then another, but it is a selfish act out of necessity and perfectly understandable. If it makes someone feel like they are showing support by posting a RIP post on a message board then so be it. If someone doesn't feel the need to respond the same way then so be it as well. All people responding should just take a moment before hitting "Add Reply" and ask themselves if what they are saying is really needed at this point.
  12. No, I actually think it's more a reflection of America's fixation with celebrities. Hundreds of people die a tragic death every day (and I won't even get into the aspect of sucide being a selfish act.) People seem to pick and choose what constitutes a RIP post based on the level of celebrity. Someone posts RIP John Candy and it gets 100 response. Someone else may post a RIP random 80's one hit wonder star and it might get 5. Meanwhile, 99 other people may have just died as well but you'll never hear or give a passing thought to it. I feel for the Dungy family, but no more then I feel for the other family who lost a son today and I never will base my feelings of a death on the level of celebrity. Anytime you do it is for purely selfish reasons and you're no better then others who have a different response.
  13. I prefer eating Chinese myself. Then again, couldn't that be considered competitive eating?
  14. I prefer the Salvation Army. The Red Cross will get my blood, but never my money.
  15. Yeah! If the NFL owners come together or the NFL in general takes this step, we'll be no better then China! A private organization banning something at their event which you can choose to attend. Commies!
  16. Understatement of the day. I loved the stories on the news of the lady with cancer that couldn't get to the hospital in Brooklyn for her treatment. Or the man who missed his brothers wake. !@#$ers.
  17. RIP all these people
  18. Every year someone says this and every year people get their panties in a wad. Hell, I don't know why people would want to live in Buffalo either. I'm from Rochester though so who am I to talk. I know people from Buffalo that wouldn't want to live here. I know people who wouldn't want to live in Hawaii. Who gives a $hi%.
  19. Let's cut him too. He's obviously not NFL caliber. Josh Reed part deux.
  20. I suggest a nice Brie de Meaux to compliment this.
  21. Is Buddy the wonder dog balls (or where they used to be) deep?
  22. Let's hope there isn't more then 2 feet of snow. You'll be waist deep.
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