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Buford T. Justice

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Everything posted by Buford T. Justice

  1. Ask the flight attendent before takeoff. If they don't know they can check with the captian.
  2. Tape them all to your chest with duct tape...you should pass through with no questions.
  3. It's near it. But you can get to and from without having to be on it.
  4. I heard Celino has some free time on his hands.
  5. While the kid should have known what was coming...a teacher should never pull that sh--. No excuses.
  6. Careful, reverse wasn't meant to be pushed this hard, you might blow your tranny. Although, something tells me you've already blown a tranny.
  7. I'll file this one under who gives a sh-- on a football message board when a new head coach was just announced.
  8. Can I PM soprano now and tell him how much I hate him?
  9. I'll wait until I see his staff before passing intial judgement.
  10. If she's at Strong she is getting some of the best care in the world. Keep the faith.
  11. Does the "fan" recall that the STEELERS STILL WON THE !@#$ING GAME? Idiots.
  12. It's no monkey though.
  13. I'd call them the stupidest fans, not the best.
  14. Where's the fun in that? I don't hate him, I actually think he's kind of a genius.
  15. Soprano will break the story in about 5 minutes.
  16. Wasn't the comeback attempt last year and he shot like a 243 the first round or something? Is this the comeback to the failed comeback? People always talk about John Daly's meltdowns but at least his are day to day. Duvals ruined his career.
  17. Worked for me. Firefox browser, viewed in Windows Media Player.
  18. The name on the club means squat. Different clubs are suited for different games. Demo, demo, demo until you get a club that feels right to you.
  19. Unless Pooj has a latex fantasy
  20. I was all pumped to watch this last night, then I went to the bathroom and realized I pee standing up.
  21. TSW needs more of these threads.
  22. Yes, no and maybe. You wouldn't be "disqualified" from health insurance if you had a pre-x, that is illegal. You could however not have that pre-x covered for a predetermined period of time if you have any sort of lapse in coverage. All of this depends on whether your new coverage even has a pre-existing clause in it. The majority of employers don't elect the pre-x clause, at least in western NY. If that is the case, any condition would be fully covered regardless of lapse. If the policy does have a pre-x clause and you have a pre-x condition, you need to show you have had 18 months of continuous coverage for that condition to be covered. Even if you were to lose insurance for a month or two, you would be offered COBRA by law as long as the employer has 20 or more employees. You would pay the full price of the premium (the employer would no longer subsidize it) plus up to a 2% administrative fee. Expensive, but a good option for people who need to prevent a pre-x. I wouldn't say you have anything to worry about.
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