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buffalo mike2

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    Rockledge, Florida

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Practice Squad

Practice Squad (3/8)



  1. Yeah-hopefully on some other team's practice squad. The way Kyle Williams stuffed the run, that's the only play I have time for. Paitence is thin waiting for these high motor guys to develop, if ever.
  2. I hope I'm wrong, but I don't believe this guy will ever fully recover. Looks like a bad break all the way around.
  3. Nice.
  4. Yes, like I said I do not get reinbursed for anything I put out. I traveled to Kentucky from Florida that year, and paid expenses- including rent and utilities in both states all from one paycheck. Thanks, I probably will have to pay something.
  5. Actually it is just a mail in audit right now. I can get cancelled checks and bank statements, since everything does have somewhat of a paper trail. Thanks for an intelligent response, I seem to have gotten the "Three Stooges" to help me along so far...Just thought maybe a good tax person, or even someone who travels at times might chime in. Silly me.
  6. for 2003... this is gonna be fun. Business expenses. I traveled for work, but did not get reinbursed for any of it. All legite, but they want receipts. Shredded those two years ago.
  7. Somebody finally mentioned Kyle Williams.....good news!!!
  8. CBS is carrying New England @ Atlanta. Matt Shaub strike 10-3.
  9. I forgot- it's televised in Florida. I'm in the Tampa viewing area. Jets Bad. I won't be able to see the Bills Sat., but I have Sirius.
  10. Cough one up after taking an entire quater to get in scoring position. Pre-season yes. September 24th....priceless.
  11. Two words- Career Back-up.
  12. On paper I thought the Eagles kicked butt in the draft. Just have to wait and see how this year's draftee's turn out. As far as undrafted free-agents, you have to smile every time you here the name, Jason Peters.
  13. Glass half empty or full? Let's just hope this guy turns out to be such a bad ass that contract turns out to be a bargin- the best we ever had....
  14. That is alot, I saw that. Let's just hope this guy brings it hard every Sunday for the next 5 years.....
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