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Everything posted by billnutinphoenix

  1. Wow I am impressed! About non-proliferation? Boy, I am impressed!
  2. can he spell Muslim? Oh I am sorry, he's a Christian because George Stephanopoulos told us he is one!
  3. love the cheap shots..that's all the Dems got...
  4. The only difference between Dan Quayle running as VP and Hussein Obama as Prez is that Hussein just speaks better..No accomplishments...no leadership (here I am, I voted present)...Sorry folks but if another 9/11 happens, he'll wait to do something based on a focus group or a poll...Name one thing that Hussein has done that would be judged unpopular... Please any Obama fans, name one legislative achievement?
  5. love that Chinese money!!!
  6. Oh I am sorry, I forgot how great a job Nancy, Barney, and a cast of others are doing in Congress...their approval are numbers are lower than Bush (which all the Dems swear is the worst president ever)...
  7. I am sure the skit will attempt to make McCain or Palin look stupid and Obama/Biden look great!
  8. problem with John has been he has been seen having no passion...I think going after Hussein Obama's past is a way to get people to know Hussein a little better!
  9. Mudslinging = truth when a Democrat does it, correct? Example being John McCain doesn't even type on the computer (this was an Obama ad)...The man can't type due to his war injuries...
  10. Down here in AZ, the Cards announced that they had sold out the Bills game...Trust me, they didn't sell out because of the Cardinals...I bet a lot of Bills fans (including myself) will be there!
  11. I know some Cards fans and they tend to be pretty mild-mannered..so I feel I'll be able to yell and not have beer thrown on me!
  12. I'll be there tomorrow!
  13. better hope so if your man fails!
  14. I guess some of us do cling to our guns and God
  15. I ama teacher and in AZ I have chosen to be in a union...If I was told to wear a blue shirt, I'd wear red!
  16. Actually I think Hillary would have been a better choice..Even Biden said it!
  17. Notice the downturn in our economy was simultaneous with the Dems elected in 2006
  18. I don't drink thank you...just steamed that I can't believe we are moving toward Socialism!
  19. When Obama doesn't get us out of this financial mess, he won't be able to vote present, raise taxes, blame anyone else, or give a speech about hope and change...I think this is the donkeys year, but watch out in 2010 with the Congressional elections and 2012 with Palin as the nominee...
  20. I guess we had another person faint today at an Obama rally too...
  21. Joe "I want to cry" Biden....what a performance! The Obama campaign tries to play to the heartstrings and they know people will be sympathetic...Disgusting
  22. What does it matter at this point! Is someone can be more upset that he had a corrupt friend in Keating or Obama's friend is a terrorist!
  23. WOW! We got some people who don't know anything about Catholics and bash them...Must be voting for Obama!
  24. This is a debate like the Nixon/Kennedy debate...intangibles - Palin wins...substance - Biden wins...I believe this is just the opposite case with McCain/Obama...People vote on intangibles and not depth of issues..
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