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Cal Bill's Fan

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Everything posted by Cal Bill's Fan

  1. Pick a second team to root for. You can never lose those "home team" ties....but rooting for second team will keep the NFL fun. I did that with manning and the broncos last year , how could you not love the old man and that D...anyways, my suggestion...on how to survive through these "same old Bills" games
  2. Comment during tonight's game was success breeds contempt. Well no.. Nobody hated the packers with Favre or now with Rogers. People hate the Patriots and Brady because they are cheaters. They have proven again and again they cheat. Note the radio broadcasts into the Steelers headsets. They don't care about honor of winning fairly, and know when caught - it doesn't matter. They have been caught numerous times. That is why there is such vile hatred of the cheatriots. And now the league including Godell are shown to be laughing stocks. Just a bunch of spoiled brats and millionaire owners engaged in bilking the public as a fair and honorable game, where every team and player has a chance - NOT! Feels as slimy as a Las Vegas slot machine.
  3. Calling a good game against New England.
  4. 2nd and 20 check down for 1 yard....
  5. Was thinking with all the recent publicity about the snow , how about The Blizzard ?
  6. Is there a recent cut of a vet with half a season of football left in him? Seems everyone agrees if Bills could improve the play of the guards this team would be a contender. So new owner - open the wallet and try to win now!
  7. EJ learning while a journeyman starts. He needs to work on mechanics , basic read sequence, watch lot's of film and play with the backups. Should have been how he spent his first couple of years anyways (a la Brett Favre).
  8. Doesn't matter. Neither will be playing O line. Can't run the ball. Unless they make EJ an option QB - second coming of Vick. That might fit his game.
  9. Nice team win. I too was skeptical of Spiller taking KOs, but shows why Marone is the coach. Still think Manuel has issues with accuracy, I think it is why the coach is calling what we see. Conservative and short range, cause EJ is often high and or behind in his throws. See what Phil Rivers and Russell Wilson were throwing today. Threading the needle time and again. But Wilson lost! So nice to see EJ execute the game plan do it well and win the game. Also did you see Kyle Williams drop into coverage today? Was close to another pick...
  10. I would expect some signings from the many cuts made today. Bills OL and tight ends could use an upgrade and several experienced starters were cut. To me another indication of a JV FO playing in a varsity league.
  11. You think these guys are betting in Vegas? Playoffs on the line at home and lose to a 2-9 team . LOL. Must be making extra money by throwing games.
  12. Keep the ticket to watch NFL games. This last season was a joy to watch so many good games. Just pick a team that is on the up (yeah be a guy that jumps on the bandwagon) Like San Francisco. A team with the character that appeals to you weather that be smashmouth defense or finesse O, or whatever. But keep that softspot in your heart for the Bills. Watch occasionally when the games pique your interest. But don't give up on the NFL because the Bills are inept. Try fantasy football. It gets you rooting for players and teams you wouldn't have cared about before. And when the Bills get good (IT WILL HAPPEN!) you can admit you were a fair weather fan, but always rooted for them. But to survive the dark years you need to enjoy good football. Here's to another great year of NFL football. Hope the Bills can get competitive and fun again soon.
  13. Been several months (since the end of last season) since we had a chance to see such ineptitude. Start at the top (owner) and flush it all. No more government money for the Bills. Best bet: sell the team and move it to LA, start from ground up with a new GM and everything else.... and I hate LA....but a huge toilet bowl like that, deserves a turd of team like this. Buffalo deserves better.
  14. Ugh. What a bad smell.....
  15. So OK, emulate the other perennial winners and sign your own draft picks to retain them so the Bills can build through the draft. You can either build through the draft or acquire quality free agents, but you can't do neither and field a winner. And really the winning teams do both. How many ex-Bills did we see in the playoffs?
  16. http://www.buffalonews.com/sports/bills-nfl/article710405.ece To win in the NFL today you need a bunch of skill position players on offense. Ralph, please sign SJ and Chandler all ready. They aren't gonna get any cheaper - you missed that window. Also Bell - Good tackles are prime finds. He has a history of injury, but 1/2 a season of good LT play is better than any other option. And yes you are going to have to overpay your stars to get and or keep them on losing team in a small market. Once you build a winner again, then you can get the chance to deal for players willing to play for a chance to play for a contender at a lower wage (like in Green Bay now).
  17. Some key injuries to a paper thin team. And the plan is to build through the draft. That means you have to pay the players on your roster or trade them, but only when you have someone to fill the hole. Not releasing them. keep them and pay the $. So need 2 OT's 2 LB's, 1 CB 2 WR's 1 QB. That's like 4 years worth of high / starting quality draft picks and all panning out. But Buff won't bring any FA's to build up roster unitl first releasing someone to create a gaping hole. So the vicious circle continues because Ralph is cheap. Nothing will change till he is gone... A nice little run of good luck to start this season. Now reality of 16 game season sets in... So glad I threw out my Bills junk years ago to jump on the Packer's bandwagon. I can hold my head up that it wasn't to the cheatriots or cowgirls. but to a nicely run classy franchise. But in my closet, I still yell GO BILLS.
  18. I will be hootin and hollarin for Fred Jackson to take over the game, but alas the Bills smoke & mirrors is done in by injury and lack of depth and lack of D (just can't get off the field) causes another blow out 31 - 7 Dallas. And another national TV debacle. The nation again says "same old Bills"....
  19. Norwood makes that kick and he would be Jack Kemp version 2 - local congressman!
  20. Did some hellacious blocking, great screens, ton-o-heart. Oh yeah he runs the ball pretty dang well to.
  21. The Wilson's are trying to meet a set financial profit goal. They will cut players they think they can do without to decrease payroll & increase profits. they produced a cool million dollars this year by cutting Lee Evans. Most of us don't save that much in a lifetime. Bad news: investing 10 million or so to produce a winner would have the nation start going a little Bills football crazy again, paying back 10's of millions in Bills regalia sales. With one foot in the grave Ralphie doesn't even invest in canned food - chances are he won't be there to eat it.
  22. The Bills are run as a uninspired company trying to eek out more bucks. Several decent players cut as cost savings. No significant free agents signed. This reduces the cost of the product while maximizing profits. Same thing GM did in it's drive to bankruptcy. Ford on the other hand invested in the product, produced winners and now is the most profitable car manuf. in America. Cutting costs to increase profits are what stagnating companies do on the way to the end. Apple doesn't tout cost cutting strategies! They invest, innovate and are leaders. See Patriots, Steelers, Green Bay and maybe the Eagles. Bills will hang around, Wilsons will make $, and fans will delude themselves that these cost cutting moves will be the answer.
  23. Would have liked to see less DB picks earlier and Eric Hagg the Bills pick here.
  24. I like the thinking! Too bad the Bills missed out.
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