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Everything posted by gravytrain

  1. Finally, Mario living up to the contract.
  2. In typical NY Post fashion, they came down hard on Rex and his boys. My favorite line... The game got away from the Jets in a stunning, 52-second, second-quarter sequence when the Patriots scored three touchdowns — one on offense, one on defense and one on special teams. The sequence was the funniest thing NBC has shown on Thursday night since “Seinfeld” went off the air. http://www.nypost.com/p/sports/jets/sanchez_blooper_fumble_highlights_8fGvwmnnTrz8xnRImhUqTO
  3. sted Today, 04:15 PM Ever listen to a Belacheat interview. He's so vage you think he is the water boy. Some of the supid questions deserve stupid answers also. Don't be so harsh on our leader. Faith. faith based on what?
  4. one of the best posts i've seen in a while. i know how this kid feels... go bills
  5. i've said it before. each game gets bigger and bigger the further we go. but with that said, none are bigger than today's. forget about the raiders, the pats, etc. today is huge!!! we need this one. go bills
  6. what a stupid post. honestly.
  7. is he that good... yep. go bills!
  8. there was no miracle. it was a forward pass. to this day it's very obvious. go bills
  9. ditto. i knew it. i was saying the exact thing to everyone i was in the room with. perfect analogy with the golf reference. you over try too hard and turn it over, you either get a pull or hook draw. and if you ease up you get a soft push or sloppy fade.
  10. i think we all just need to relax. in the words of yukon cornellius "you eat what you eat, i'll eat what i eat..." go bills
  11. he wasn't a 'great' kicker, but inside of 45 the guy was terrific. however, once he went beyond 45 the percentage dropped significantly. something psychologically happened to the guy between the 38 and 39 yard line. i don't think you can really blame him for it. levy and everyone else knew this. if they got three more yards the game was ours'. show some love for the poor guy. as painful as it's been for us to carry this with us all these years, imagine what it's like for him. go bills
  12. this will backfire badly for ryan. he cut the guy this summer, now he's a captain? gimmick and gadget plays are always a sign of desperation. not sound football. anyone else get this feeling? go bills
  13. the jets versions of bills look-alikes were much better. and funnier too. sorry guys. go bills.
  14. just have to hope they can hold onto him that long. freddie's not going anywhere for a few years. it's a ladanian tomlison/michael turner thing.
  15. i'll tell you why. because he was a first round pick. he's a great athlete. one of the fastest guys on the field. has the potential to be a star. and unfortunately he's playing behind one of the best running backs in the league right now. and the good fans want to see there talented player have a breakout game. i guess that basically sums it up. go spiller. go bills.
  16. i wasn't going to start stevie, but just to spite this douche bag i'm starting stevie, chandler and spiller. go bills ha, awesome.
  17. agreed. he's due. sunday it's time for him to break out. agree with everyone. energy will be focused on stevie and freddie. that leaves spiller open to quick passes, slants and screens and let his god given speed take over from there. go cj. go bills.
  18. does he really need a nickname? if it's this much work to find one it's probably not worth it. how about... scott. let's spend our energy on focusing good thoughts for a win this weekend. go bills
  19. not that i buy into these things, but i'd figured i'd post it for everyone anyway. http://sportsillustrated.cnn.com/2011/writers/don_banks/11/02/week.8/index.html?hpt=hp_t2 go bills
  20. that's what makes these guys different from 75% of the other guys. they keep it in perspective. they're real. let's just hope they stay that way when they start getting paid. go bills
  21. but they had blue paints then. we need some contrast at home. i don't like it either.
  22. read their blogs at the bottom of this interview with calvin pace. nice that the bills are starting to have this effect on other teams and their fans. http://blog.newyorkjets.com/2011/11/01/pace-plan-for-dealing-with-bills-homefield-edge/
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