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Everything posted by bigbillsfan12

  1. boy do you ever sound like one hell of an !@#$.
  2. Remember Dick Lebeau was our defensive coordinator 5 or 6 years ago, and he bailed to go back to Pittsburgh. I Always wondered why he quit on this team after only 1 season.
  3. It's funny that people kept buying those large vehicles for years and years. They built what the public wanted, why do you think Toyota built that 2 billion dollar tundra truck plant in Texas? Every single auto maker was making and selling large inefficient trucks that the American population wanted. How long do you think it takes to bring out a new vehicle? a lot longer than 2 years. People watch a little CNN and they think they know it all, spoon fed propaganda. Watch this little video because this guy might put it into perspective for you: It's funny how quickly and easily the banks that caused all of this walked away with 700+ billion dollars without much public disdain.
  4. you do realize that you're wrong don't you? toyota only has 5 plants in the U.S. the majority of toyota vehicles are NOT made in the U.S. toyota has the best spin doctors around, paying off magazines, lobbying in washington and brain washing the public. they are subsidized by the Japanese government which pays for most of their r&d. get a clue genius.
  5. read and learn: The American Gas Guzzler Myth and Pundits Unfairly Target American Automakers
  6. people nowadays don't want to take responsibility for their own actions anymore, what ever happened to people supporting their country and their neighbor? stop complaining about wages and benefits, it seems like this is just about being envious of people that make a good living. it's like the whole country is in a race to the bottom. who benefits from all these concessions and wage cuts? not you or me, it's the guys who already have more money than they know what to do with. what i'm saying is that soon the middle class is going to become a rare species, moving over for the haves and have nots.
  7. wages amount to about 900-1200 dollars on the price of a new vehicle. get your facts straight, stop believing all the propaganda. btw the union just made huge concessions and they are almost on par with the imports. besides that shouldn't matter to you, what should matter is that you are buying a good quality vehicle built by an American company. the countries that export these vehicles here don't even allow us to sell our automobiles there, sounds fair eh?
  8. maybe if people stopped believing all the blind hype that the imports are better than the domestics and started buying our own products they wouldn't be in as much trouble as they are. Toyota = crap.
  9. honestly, does anyone actually believe that will ever happen? i mean turn this around.
  10. its funny, because when thy lined up for that FG i knew they were going to miss, no doubt they were going to miss. i'm so sick of this team.
  11. phuck this team just pisses me off, every phucking year. watching this team is really like a form of insanity, you know doing something over and over the same way and expecting a different result (like a winning season, play offs, super bowl) just like a form of self loathing.
  12. that gets my vote.
  13. this team sucks. they are a bunch of pussies. i'm sick of defending this team every year to everyone, screw them. multi-millionaire pussies.
  14. i learned that i've wasted 3 and 1/2 hours of my life watching these losers, again. this is one piece of crap team.
  15. Did anyone watch the NFL network today? Well Mr. Faulk is claiming that the patsies are going to win the Super Bowl with Matt Cassel and next season they will dump Brady and keep Cassel. what an idiot.
  16. and here we sit 0 for 3 against the division. every team has to deal with injuries, it just seems that this year as opposed to last our back ups and a lot of starters just don't have any fire, no sense of urgency. they seem to be content to throw their hands up in the air and live with mediocrity. in all fairness this team could easily have lost against the raiders, jags and had to somehow pull it together in the fourth quarter and did. personally i think the players we have on our o-line with better line coaches could become a very powerful unit and a strength for this team as opposed to a liability. look around the league at some of the most consistent o-lines and compare player for player and over all i don't think anyone would sit head and shoulders talent wise ahead of us. our line problems can be easily attributed to the coaches and i believe strength and conditioning.
  17. this team does not deserve to go to the playoffs. moot point cause i don't think they're going, nine years and counting.
  18. !@#$ you !@#$, shouldn't you be locked in the washroom sucking the dried jizz out of your autographed bruschi underwear. !@#$ing retard.
  19. who cares? they will be the wrong changes no matter what he does or doesn't. this team is cursed, they will suck forever.
  20. ...wonder why i put myself through this every year, i really hate the way this team makes me feel. it really blows me away that i really spend any time caring about this crappy franchise. i hate football, i hate the nfl, i hate the buffalo bills i hate myself for allowing them to bring me down every year for the last decade. these guys stink, just as bad as they always have. the sad thing is that i'll be back for more next week, and next season and beyond. i f***ing hate this team sometimes. it's amazing that anyone even bothers with these losers anymore. anyway, f**k you very much my wonderful buffalo bills. losers.
  21. another ref rape fest. didn't see the challenge flag? helmet to helmet? i fu***ng hate the nfl.
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