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Everything posted by bigbillsfan12

  1. It always amazes me when you have a business model that is wildly successfully and has the market completely unto themselves yet always wants to find a way to stray away from the formula that brought them all of their prosperity. I'm not saying this happens all at once, but it is a culmination of all the little changes that eventually erode all of the hard work that made them into a success in the first place. The NFL has been the most stable and entertaining sport for a long time but somehow the greed of a few could really change the product that brought them into the dominating position that they are in today. I for one would avoid the NFL like the plague if it turns into a football version of MLB.
  2. THEY ARE WHO WE THOUGHT THEY WERE! This team is the most boring football team I can remember. blah. why did I even think that they might have started to show some enthusiasm. Same old same old, weak, slow, dumb, lazy.............. whatever. I don't think I care anymore. Blah
  3. i think it's pretty funny that if the patsies had won last night that cnnsi.com and espn.com(especially espn) would have had a huge splash page pronouncing the patsies the kings of the world. but they lost and and all you get is a tiny little side bar link about the game. there is some kind of an agenda with that team i swear. it made my week watching those cheating douches get smacked around, i love it!
  4. Favre wired Man oh man if we could only have someone like Favre on this team, his enthusiam makes everyone better... and he's pretty funny too.
  5. beating the patsies, for sure. it would be nice to hurt super tom enough that he misses a play off game. i know that's not very ethical but hey it's how i feel.
  6. that is so wrong!
  7. online link anyone? please.
  8. I hope no one tries to pm me a link to an online feed thanks in advance.
  9. are you sure? which part of Ontario? CTV has the NFL 1pm game this week. I think you're going to be disappointed: NFL on Citytv
  10. It's funny how they are trying to market this team as local to Ontario but this is the second week in a row that the Bills will not be on TV in Ontario. It's really pissing me off, Canadian broadcasters suck balls. No wonder no one watches Canadian TV. Can anyone PM me a link for game online?
  11. on a side note; people in toronto won't be watching this weekends miami game on tv. local networks are choosing to air indie and houston. that's two weeks in a row, last weeks game against the jaguars wasn't shown in ontario either. nfl on ctv
  12. I agree, he sounds like the perfect fit for Washington. There is really no need to bring in someone who is going to manage by trial and error and maybe dig an even bigger hole in 3-4 years. Maybe bring him in along with a strong willed GM and he might work out.
  13. cnnsi truth and rumors this time they're saying he's going to either Houston or Chicago. all of these rumors are really starting to get irritating because they are all over the map. personally i think that a majority of these are being started by either the coaches, their agents or both. it's a great opportunity to drive up their contract price by starting a bidding war between teams desperate for a big name coach. i don't believe the Bills are out there throwing numbers around either, it's like going to buy a car wearing a jacket made of $1000 bills.
  14. remember when we had Dick Lebeau and we sent him packing in favour of Jerry Gray, haha this team is so silly.
  15. say what you want about blockhead but Chevy makes great cars and trucks.
  16. ur wierd.
  17. I knew this was too good to be true, these are of course our Buffalo Bills. time to bring in another retread or maybe someone else's brilliant coordinator to mash up this team some more.
  18. this whole thing is starting to smell of the classic bait and switch salesman pitch.
  19. $10 bucks sounds fair. I'll take it! pm me okay!
  20. http://sportsillustrated.cnn.com/2009/foot...s.ap/index.html
  21. http://www.fannation.com/truth_and_rumors/...urn?eref=fromSI it's a rumor at this point, but it wouldn't surprise me. i kind of had my hopes up that all the talk of him coming to the Bills had some kind of root in reality but i guess not.
  22. it seems that ever since rusty jones was let go that this team is always near the top of the league for injured players. strength and conditioning is obviously gone down hill (along with everything else), these players seem to be really soft.
  23. this has been discussed numerous times and for many YEARS now and the powers that be refuse to acknowledge that fact that the majority of the Bills fans really don't like the current uni's and they still refuse to abandon them. is it really that difficult to change their full time uniforms or are they just that out of touch with the fans, or is it that don't really care what the fans really want?
  24. roscoe has become irrelevant.
  25. roscoe sucks.
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