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Everything posted by bigbillsfan12

  1. It is really depressing to be a Bills fan. There are only 32 HC jobs in the whole NFL and yet we have these guys who would rather do anything but coach the Buffalo Bills. This franchise has turned into a no mans land and a more of a joke than Detroit, which is saying a lot.
  2. strange thread on !@#$.com about a PC, I haven't read the whole thing but it looks like they are pulling out the Sherlock Holmes investigative skills there. http://!@#$.com/showthread.php?t=171753 EDIT: is there a reason I can't put a link to B U F F A L O R A N G E . C O M?
  3. So Cowher has been stringing the Bills along just to keep a counter available for the Carolina job? If true he's a real douche and we're all a bunch of putzes.
  4. I never claimed anything as fact, I was merely stating my point of view. Thanks for reminding me that my opinion was an assumption, I appreciate that.
  5. The way I am reading this whole Cowher for coach thing is that the Bills are the ones sitting on the fence for this guy. I'm sure that Cowher and the Bills have had their supposed meetings and the Bills probably laid their cards out on the table and Cowher sent them back with a few demands that the Bills might not want to commit to. The Bills most likely returned with their bottom line offer and left it at that. Now the Bills and Cowher are waiting for the other to see who will blink first. As has been said before the sticking point is probably not salary, but more likely personnel control and the ability and willingness to spend on coaching staff and players. If Ralph was willing to give Cowher what he wants as far as the means (money) to turn the franchise around without restrictions (cash to cap) I'm sure that we would already have our coach signed. Now, is Ralph taking advantage of the lack of other coaching opportunities to maybe force Cowhers hand? Or is Cowher really ready to take himself out of the running? It is a good sign that Cowher has yet to remove himself from the running publicly, because if he really wasn't considering the job he would have already come out and said so. I find it funny that Seattle fired and hired a coach in the matter of a day and the Bills are a couple of months removed from the Jauron era and have yet to fill the HC position at One Bills Drive.
  6. Maybe he knows someone that knows Tasker or Kelly, or maybe someone else in the Bills organization that lives in East Aurora. Or maybe it's all B.S.
  7. Logan notes that his source is a friend and is close to the Bills and "absolutely connected to this situation". Jim Kelly and Steve Tasker both live in East Aurora. I'm not saying this guy is completely reliable but he sounds like does have some kind of link to someone inside the Bills. The thing that stands out the most about this Logan fellow is that he doesn't appear to be in the sporting loop and this looks like someones way of leaking info without contacting any major news outlets. http://www.eastaurora.org/article.aspx?artno=1228
  8. from the man, the legend, JOE LOGAN : *update - thanks for all of your feedback. Just a global response to hubdreds of emails received...the source who informed me of the information is more than reliable, a friend, and absolutely connected to this situation. I believe everything that I was told and we shall soon find out how things unravel. I just wish people were more interested in the dissolution of the village than who our next head coach is going to be but I happen to think that this is much more fun to talk about just as you do... http://www.eastaurora.org/article.aspx?artno=1228
  9. Personally I think Cowher should step up and at least make a statement about the situation, this thing is all rumors and he is at center of it all. If it's really that tough to make up your mind about coaching the Buffalo Bills and the money your looking for is available it should be cut and dry. Don't pull a Favre, be a man and say yes or no. If he doesn't really want to be in Buffalo and is trying to talk himself into it for the money, well I don't want him here. How is he going to approach his players and motivate them to play hard for the Bills faithful when they all know he is only here for the money? Not to mention courting free agents to come here, having a coach that by all accounts had to be wrangled into coming here. Talking up the merits of the franchise while all along they know that he himself would have rather gone somewhere else.
  10. #12 - past #22 - current
  11. here is one of the Panther message boards following as closely as we are : http://www.carolinahuddle.com/forum/caroli...gain-today.html
  12. It looks like Fox has committed to Carolina :http://blogs.charlotte.com/panthers/
  13. Jim Kelly and Steve Tasker live in East Aurora, maybe Kelly leaked some info or Tasker who is in broadcasting wanted to get the scoop out.
  14. Doesn't Jim Kelly and Steve Tasker live in East Aurora, quite the coincidence?
  15. now Chris Brown is quoting A.Shefter's twitter on Buffalobills.com http://blogs.buffalobills.com/2010/01/04/insight-on-cowher/
  16. if true, screw that spiddle covered ape headed mongrol, we're not good enough for him? what a jack off! if not true, welcome to Buffalo our football savior!
  17. well when they say "entire staff" does that mean Modrak and Guy too? I really hope so.
  18. Good for Freddy, my favorite Bill for the last couple of seasons. Anyone notice that he had the DIV III face paint again this week? I'm pretty sure he had it on again, screw the nfl and their petty rules.
  19. http://blogs.buffalobills.com/2010/01/03/s...-itch-to-coach/ this is on the buffalobills.com front page.
  20. this so frustrating, stupid nfl should just let the fans watch their games without jumping through hoops!
  21. could I get in the loop with a pm'd link? as long as these are pm'd it's a lot harder foe them to get shut down.
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