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Everything posted by bigbillsfan12

  1. Why is Rod Woodson wearing a judge's gown?
  2. Bulldog is a blathering idiot. His voice is the most annoying thing on the radio, it sound as if he needs to hock out some mucus or something. He is a moron who should never be allowed anywhere near a radio microphone.
  3. Honestly, Shefter is really blowing that trade into something that's bigger than it really is. I personally wouldn't call the McNabb trade a blockbuster trade, he's 35, on the downside and all for a 2nd and 3rd. That is big but not a Blockbuster.
  4. per his latest tweet: http://twitter.com/Adam_Schefter I love these kind of little teasers, they generally excite and then disappoint.
  5. Does anyone really believe that the Bills would pay for Bradford at #1, really? 60+ million for a rookie? The BUFFALO BILLS? This would never happen, for many reasons.
  6. Old news. Nothing to see here.
  7. Did anyone notice that Little D was following this beauty:http://twitter.com/StacieLaneXXX, uhg I think I'm gonna be sick.
  8. What are you talking about? did you see his avatar before he changed it? It is really anoying that some how in the world we live in it's socially acceptable to make fun of Christianity with out any backlash what so ever. If anyone tried to make fun of any other religious sect, the whole community would be up in arms. Look all I did was post my opinion, that`s it. Suck it.
  9. Hey CarolinaBill, that avatar is in really poor taste, it's actually pretty offensive. I don't see the need to mock religious beliefs on a football forum.
  10. Maybe for Rodgers? Maybe? If it only took our first round pick for him I'd be doing cart wheels up and down the street for a week.
  11. haha, it's funny 'cause it's true.
  12. I didn't see this anywhere so: http://sportsillustrated.cnn.com/2010/writ...ft.1/index.html
  13. and he comes dirt cheap too!
  14. Hey I'm not endorsing him I was just relaying a fact. So take it easy.
  15. Cowher hand picked Gailey for Steelers HC before Tomlin was hired: Cowher hand picks Chan Gailey for HC, re: 2007
  16. Bills waiting on Frazier? check out the comments at the bottom of the page. pretty funny stuff.
  17. Herm Edwards? Thanks but, no thanks. Frazier or even Fewell before Herm.
  18. The NFL has turned into a real snobby p u s s y league, what happened to coaches and player that would love to be in a REAL football town? Now they all want to go to warm weather cities with a night life and spas and all the other fruity crap these modern day warriors crave. Players, Coaches, pussies.
  19. There was a suggestion a few days ago that Marty would come in as HC and Brian as OC and assistant HC and then over the next few years Brian would take over. That my friends is the ideal hire for this franchise. Cowher, as it appears has become much to full of himself and it looks like he just wants to walk into a ready made success story. I would like someone who wants to be here, has passion for this team, someone that doesn't need his ego stroked along with 7+ million dollars to take on the process of turning this team into the champs we deserve. Good luck Cowher I hope you crash and burn in Carolina.
  20. It is so sad that this team is considered a job of last resort. I say bring in Billick at least he wants to be here.
  21. I just don't get all of the national media $hitting on Buffalo all the time. I mean what makes Cleveland, St. Louis, Detroit, KC, Cincinnati, Jacksonville or Carolina have over Buffalo? Some may have better weather(some only slightly), but really are they any better organizations than we have here? St. Louis' ownership situation, Jacksonville's fans are all but indignant and many other problems with other franchises that are as as bad or worse than Buffalo's. I'm sick of the constant disrespect that this team gets from the league as well as the media. Now I'll sit back and wait for all the responses telling me that; hey we deserve all of the crap thrown our way, our owner is the worst, we should just accept the fact that we suck and it won't ever get any better.
  22. Logan's inside man is B u ff a lo ra nge site owner Billsman, it's linked to him in his latest tweet. I'm having my doubts about good ol' Joe.
  23. here : http://b u f f a l o r a n g e.com/showthread.php?t=171753&page=3
  24. Is B u f f a l o r a n g e. c o m owner Billsman Joe Logan's inside man? Latest tweet with a link to his site:
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