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Everything posted by bigbillsfan12

  1. Everyone join in on a collective curse on the Patriots! CURSE YOU PATRIOTS! Come on it can't hurt.
  2. A collective curse towards the Patriots, who's with me? CURSE YOU PATRIOTS!
  3. Huh? What's this?
  4. We need to get into Brady's head, we need to find out who does his mani/pedi and pay her off to mess up this week. No way Marsha can play his "A" game when his mind is preoccupied with the state of his cuticles.
  5. I know it's only preseason but 2 sacks in 1 series is great start and if he can stay healthy he is going to be really fun to watch. Darius is looking like monster as well, the big man is wreaking havoc first game in with a sack of his own.
  6. Bryce Paup, Lawyer Malloy, Takeo Spikes, Ted Washinton, Chris Spielman, Doug Flutie (maybe cheap), James Lofton, Drew Bledsoe, Terrell Owens, C. Bennett (Biscuit), Rob Johnson, Trying to recall.....
  7. Is this the new uni, or am I mistaken? Merriman tweeted this last night, it's him on the set of Norm Macdonnald's sports show. http://yfrog.com/gzr1zbyj
  8. I'm enjoying their coverage of the draft but if I here that Play60 music or that women's NFL clothing commercial one more time I'm going to jam a friggin' pencil into each ear.
  9. Looks like the fans have spoken and the top 6 spots taken by Buffalo Bills led by Talley. Pro Football Hall of Fame Fans Choice
  10. I wish this team would just stop in the middle of a play and walk off the field, just walk right into the locker room and not look back.
  11. obviously your sensitive nerve is in your a$ because you are the one that brought up homosexuality, you must be projecting. all i did was post a link to an article that was written about a football player and you felt the need to call me gay? Pu$$y.
  12. <br /><br /><br /> It sounds like you would bypass his wife and hop in the sack with little Tommy, sorry if I posted something that so offended you that you had to come out and attack me. Now go back to fantasizing about a three way with Tommy and his bride. A man like you knows how to treat a man like that. He loves to throw and something tells me that you're a great receiver.
  13. I must have missed this, no point really just that little Tommy is getting plugged. http://sportsbybrooks.com/brady-plugged-hair-loss-talk-with-flowing-locks-29126 This new generation of footbal player is really feminine.
  14. It happens from time to time that this team starts to show improvement and get everyone excited and then the inevitable happens and they fall apart and smack us all back to reality. What do you think?
  15. http://www.break.com/index/trick-play-touchdown-1949254
  16. "There's no question that winning promotes fan excitement," said Brandon. "However, there is no way to quantify how much more fan interest we would have been able to create had we been in playoff contention during the past few years." http://www.reuters.c...05?pageNumber=2
  17. I really hope you're right because this is like watching a dog on the freeway, just when you think he's going to make it, BAM there he goes.
  18. I think when Wade get's fired in Big D Ralph should call him him and make up, then bring him back as our D coordinator. Wade is one of the best defensive minds when not the leader of a whole team. Never happen, but would immediately improve our defense.
  19. mmkay, you're the type of guy that always has something to say aren't you?
  20. This is a real gem. http://slam.canoe.ca/Slam/Columnists/Lankhof/2010/10/22/15790056.html
  21. This team is an "emperor has no clothes" team. Ralph is still pulling the strings and is surrounded by incompetent yes men.
  22. Come on man, we have our foundation being built, look at Kelsay on the first TD to M. Lewis. He was trying really hard, that is what this team needs to keep building on.
  23. Russ Brandon seams to be the middle aged gay guy who marries the aging starlet and milks her(Ralph) for power and monetary gain. It just seems that there are a lot of yes men in Ralph's owners box letting him know how much he is still in controlling this team. It really reeks of a snow job, like something really under handed is happening with this teams executives. The only way this team can ever turn things around is for Ralph to let it go.
  24. They will definitely get the first pick but who cares they will just f$$k it up anyway. Ralph is too cheap to pay a #1 so they'll trade down and get the cheaper option an f&$k that up too. This team is a lost cause.
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