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X. Benedict

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Everything posted by X. Benedict

  1. You can get to watch Ovechkin. But if they only served Bud Light, I'd say forget it. Bud Light always seems to taste like it was strained through cooked rice. Oh, and I forgot. $6 a glass. ouch. For a hockey game that would set me back about $36.
  2. I listened to the Sens/Caps. The Sens sounded like the Sens, the Caps sounded like a team I might pay $5 to see.
  3. Ed gives women shiatsu? Or maybe he's just a foot massageonist? Bastard.
  4. The Wall Street Journal ran a huge section on who operates our ports this week. The answer is that it is just about everybody.
  5. Pyrite Gal is really easy to talk to, you should ask her out.
  6. I'm not sure about that. When I have been in Muslim countries, they just expect that the US is looking for ways to screw them. This just confirms that we are looking for ways to screw them, which means we have really delivered on expectations. But I can assure you nearly everyone that works for trading companies or internationally is saying WTF.
  7. I just checked with the dealer. The bombs and the chasis attatchment for IED's does not come standard. However, they will be standard in the 2008 Wadi-Basher SUV.
  8. Did they complain about the Habs diving too?
  9. My first question would be, what the hell is an American Company? Does that mean a company that is incorporated in America, or majority owned by American stockholders? Is Daimler-Chrysler, for example, still an American company?
  10. At least I learned a new word. Priapism is nothing to shrink away from, if you have it, stand proud.
  11. There is nothing like spending some quality time with the ancestors on the weekend after a hard week of training your predecessor.
  12. I have to be nice to people for my job. I'll be damned if I have to be nice to the people and things I really care about.
  13. Good trade for Montreal. Quite a gamble for Colorado. If I am Gainey I am happy to unload Theo at this point and get a reliable #2.
  14. You are if you can spell Aebischer, or is that Abechire? ahh, screw it, being a hockey sherpa has lost its luster, I didn't know I would get paid in Yak milk. Bleeck.
  15. Don't worry, just tell them, without telling them. That way everyone will think it, without thinking it.
  16. I am just speculating, but I am betting that Biron was worth a 1rst, 3rd, and 5th rounder. In turn, a 3rd and 5th rounder plus Rory Fitzpatrick could have landed us a decent blueliner. Mika for a 2nd rounder is a pretty conservative move. I was hoping for something a little more bold. Mostly I was hoping for an excuse to send Fitzpatrick out of town.
  17. This sounds haunting. If the fish head is in the tree right behind the oriental woman and nobody sees it, how do you know it is in the movie? Is the fish head speaking?
  18. I thought Spacek/Biron or Staios/Biron was going to happen. I guess Edmonton likes their defense.
  19. I wonder if we could have had a 1rst and 3rd from Edmonton for Marty.
  20. Where is the sex? I'm not saying it has to be overdone, I am just saying it has to have a whiff of sensuality. I guess what I am suggesting is, scratch and sniff fish head cards for the theater goers.
  21. Room 101? The most terrible thing in the world is in there!
  22. We'll let it go this time, but don't let us catch you thinking for yourself again. Now back to our regular programming.
  23. I think this might explain the ACME holes in my yard.
  24. Don't just name it. Ebay the naming rights. It may help pay for your entry fee. Or you could name the team Ralph Wilson Beer Pong Team - The Ralph.
  25. Not a bad idea. I never would have thought of tanning it, but why not.
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