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X. Benedict

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Everything posted by X. Benedict

  1. The kids a rookie. I have memorized 7/3 to 12,000 digits past the decimal. Might not get me laid in Bangalore, but I did it.
  2. Marv cut you off in line at Arby's.
  3. In India, this is what gets teenagers laid.
  4. They should be sodomized every day with a Durian for the rest of their life. The Fruits to sodomize the Fruits
  5. Hey Gordie, It looks like the Leafs are ready to pull it together, eh?
  6. Despair drives a man to drink. I like drinking, ergo, GO BILLS.
  7. Like BD in Doonesbury?
  8. Finally a country where women aren't ashamed to flense the seal.
  9. Renee Richards was pretty good. Tennis Hottie
  10. I reckon those doe eyed little guys are the best eating. Thwack.
  11. That kind of thinking is what forces people out of political office in Korea. Proceed with caution.
  12. AAAArrrGGGGHHHHH!!!! My eyes. I didn't expect the pirate. Pretty sneaky Poobah. You win this round.
  13. Dammit. I see you have called me to account. A gauntlet has been thrown and like a Frechman most irate I must retort: You, sir, are the child that ate too many lead pencils as a kid. Anyone else want some?
  14. So says the soothsayer. If I catch anybody saying any sooth around here, that's it. I mean, I'm throwing down the gauntlet. There's too much sooth around here anyway. Last time. Don't let me catch anybody saying sooth.
  15. Jesus. We need to get you some meds. It is time for an intervention.
  16. Whose the kid with the developmentally disabled guy?
  17. 5/10 I trust half of all the wrong people. And distrust half of the right ones. That's why I trust my Tarot reader and request extra cookies at the Great Wall. With just the photos I'm flying blind.
  18. Is this still a meta-fer? Them alpackies have such purdy eyes.
  19. Pat Robertson watch: BBC Link:Rev. Robertson Speaks Again
  20. what if you resign twice? I think re-resigning is a linguistic landmine.
  21. It is about time somebody learned us that.
  22. Being a vegetarian is one thing, but having an appetite for overexposed vegetables is another.
  23. What did Marv eat? I thought he was a vegetarian.
  24. I like where this is going, but when I think "mysterious and heroic" I think of: The Lone Ranger, Zorro, and Nate Odoms as my top 1, 2, and 3's. So the trick is how do you import the best qualities of the Lone Ranger, Zorro, and Nate Odoms into the Fishheads. Probably they need someone, an ally, like Tonto, a young boy, or Darryl Talley to communicate the hero to the outside world. It is important for the fishheads to be able to travel incognito and not have to fawn over the superficial attractions of fleeting fame. They must be noble, yet wise to the whims of the basest insticts of Mankind.
  25. Stupid enough to watch, or stupid enough to be a CNN/Fox studio expert? Recently, the news I trust is from FoodTV.
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