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X. Benedict

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Everything posted by X. Benedict

  1. I have had friends killed by drunk driving. Still it is not illegal to drink and drive. It is illegal to be intoxicated and drive. Arresting the intoxicated because they may have the intent to drive is bull sh--.
  2. You may be crazy, but the above idea is still a sane one.
  3. There is something in this story that I can't articulate exactly, but can only describe as a general tendency to trade liberty for a government that seeks to entrap us for our own good. There is something cumbersome, if not sinister about the entire idea of patrolling bars undercover to enforce a law that is meant to protect us from consequences that don't neccessarily follow.
  4. I'm not sure. It seems to me that a private establishment shouldn't be raided without evidence of crime. The crime in this case "being drunk." Unless as you say there are some things not being stated or there being more to the story than what is in print.
  5. There is no longer a public drunkeness law in New York. There is still disorderly conduct.
  6. I would be cutting out a few clippings to frame in my bar for when the DA runs for re-election.
  7. Its like being a poof or a wanker.
  8. That song killed them? Not the hair?
  9. Who hasn't made out to that album at least once?
  10. You say "Cranky negative toss-bags" like it is a bad thing.
  11. Who said I gave that stuff up?
  12. Mike Millbury and Terry O'Reilly ??
  13. Aww, C'mon. The vice-presidential role has become clown in chief for years. Besides, he always looks so uptight that I think he probably sh*ts diamonds. Maybe Mondale never really found his comedy legs, but to be fair, he only had one term, and 1979 was such an unfunny year.
  14. That seems to work out for everyone involved, doesn't it?
  15. Whoa, dem some meathooks. I am sure it was probably the lens, and slightly irresponsible. Gotta love this sentence: Amazing how shooting your husband dead can shatter that image.
  16. Nope. That is usually Kiwi for Austrailian.
  17. There is still progress to be made on the issue. Baby seal goes suprisingly well with turnips too.
  18. Happy Birthday to a proud blue stater. And many more.
  19. That was unreal. "The Battle of Quebec"
  20. Gave up the drink for Lent. And I'm an edgy SOB.
  21. A four game losing streak, but those four games are Ottawa, Atlanta, Carolina, Ottawa. No talent there. Cancel the season.
  22. 6 blue marbles, a pack a gum, and someone's little brother's bottlecap collection. If they throw in the ant farm, I think that will pretty much make it fair.
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