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X. Benedict

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Everything posted by X. Benedict

  1. It's a good plan, unless eating beef gives you the toots.
  2. This trend is so stupid. The kids that aren't so good, we say, if you feel bad losing, don't worry we will change the rules so there doesn't have to be any real compitition. To the better kids, we say, don't really do your best because your competitors are emotionally fragile and if you do your best they may feel bad. It is a game for christsakes. The game itself is a reward - win or lose. These kids aren't outside doing yardwork, mowing grass, working in the family store, they are playing a godamned game and the most important thing has become to teach them that this game is so powerful it can hurt your feelings, so we aren't really going to let you play the game, we are going to play a modified game so your feelings are never hurt. What is wrong with this country?
  3. The Bison? Charcoal filtered Vodka from Poland?
  4. I'm into that too, but I never know when to show up.
  5. You're taking your chances Chef, you could end up in a place in the afterlife where they only serve an inferior merlot.
  6. In this case, I don't hear anyone disputing those two things that the exoskeletonedpossum mentioned.
  7. That Mark is one hell of an evangelist.
  8. Wrong. The point of the story is that Jesus had muscles and could kick ass which forever justifies capitalism and geopolitical conflict.
  9. The Japanese will love this. Somehow the corpse needs to be able to turn on his Sony, and his dismembered toe will start tapping. We got a winner.
  10. A little Mongolian BBQ, yum. Bring some back for us Rock.
  11. Tree huggers in the textbook industry? Manatees, frickin things keep messing up my outboard motor.
  12. No big deal, maybe compensation picks, nobody wanted to deal with his crappy agent. I know many here are going to whine that he should have had the franchise tag, but who is going to work in a place where the pastry chef is making more money.
  13. If anything, the thing that I find most interesting is the certainty in which they were moving forward admidst the public posturing that by no means was the war inevitable. My question would be (and one framed with terrific hindsight), what conditions would have realistically avioded it?
  14. Nothing new under the sun. whoops, that makes three of us.
  15. Talk Radio, I wish I knew how to quit you.
  16. For marketing to improve they may need a better product than nostalgia for 2003.
  17. Pacifism is always a legitimate Catholic and Christian option. For violence there is the just war option, but the threshold is very high and usually ignored.
  18. None beyond the guy is tired and the President's numbers suck. I think it is more the former.
  19. It is a worrying sign how often the Sabres are getting trapped in their own zone. In fact this has been true almost all season, but without a sustained forcheck it seems like it is happening more often. It'll be nice to have Hecht back.
  20. If I had to be team had to come in under .500 it would be N. Orleans. Too many problems and retooling.
  21. Buffalo 3-2. halfway through. Unlike the Bills and Sabres, with the Braves you get a pretty consistent product from year to year.
  22. No, no. Just happened to be an ex-pat around people that thought a baseball shortstop might be able to play square leg in a pinch.
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