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X. Benedict

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Everything posted by X. Benedict

  1. I always thought that was "starve a flower"
  2. I just assume people that drink and write know everything for about 8 minutes before they forget what it was they knew.
  3. True. After the 7 months of Winter, the payoff has been 4 months of April.
  4. Bukowski wouldn't give a crap, but then again he might. Depends. He might scream at you and then hug and call you a goddamned saint. Graham Greene would not only care, he would publicly damn you by making this incident a struggle for finding grace.
  5. C'mon. The lead in toys...that was pretty good, wasn't it?
  6. Easy there........we did in fact have 600,000,000 screaming Chinamen on our side.
  7. If that is the case...I'm still right.
  8. You are a pretentious numbskull. Too abstract for you?
  9. Demographics say otherwise. Call it what you will, but people who follow Limbaugh, O'Reilly, Beck etc. are not apathetic or in the middle in their politics. There tends to be an ideological core. Even though the apathetic prefer calling themselves conservative just to avoid a liberal label....they still tend to register as Democrats.
  10. As heard by my friend's 5-7 year old daughters The Go-Go's "Alex the Seal", which they like to play over and over and sing to. It doesn't matter what they say In the jealous games people play Alex the Seal Pay no mind to what they say It doesn't matter anyway Alex the Seal We just think it is too cute to correct them.
  11. Democrats depend more on the apathetic than Republicans. Democrat is usually the party of default.
  12. The pilots must have been high school students.
  13. I did like "pissant" though.....it generally means insignificant and implies contempt.....but worth writing about too?
  14. They are now having the problem the Left had.....now that the Right has taken the title for having wacky activists. Seriously though, now that shouting down your congressman in youtube tactics is in vogue, where does dialogue start ?--- I think we know the answer.
  15. What's the old Pete Seeger song?.....the donkey and elephants bob up and down but ride the same merry-go-round. ..
  16. That's $500 per missing comma, preposition, and .....that last part's gotta be worth $1500 alone.
  17. So much to love about this. Shooting schoolkids, blowing up buses with RPG's, using your girlfriend as rape-bait in ambushes....... but most of all I love the pitches of the live hand grenades to your buddy so he your throw them in rapid succession because he's got that QB arm. If it happened in the 80's we'd all be Communists, but in today's scenario we'd have to live our lives as Petro-Oligarchists. Th upside : they support professional hockey and not a faux-amateur teams of professionals.
  18. Shoot a Russian they usually say something like: "Comrade, I am dying." or "Comrade, this is big mistake, vee cannot vin. "
  19. DVD's of David Hasselhoff's Knightrider are not only German doomsday-sers guilty pleasure, they will survive the Nuclear Winter.
  20. My take ....Obama won the Democratic Nomination in Spring of last year.....which pretty much made him Party leader for about 10 months before he was even inaugurated. Lots of time for luster to wear off... Anyway....I'm not really sure you can throw Ford and Johnson into comparables.
  21. Michael Moore has testicles for a chin?
  22. In a catastrophic event I'm willing to work for OSI if they spare my life and rebuild me like Steve Majors. Why this is a political nightmare to pass is that nobody can tell you what the program will do, is for, or will cost in one sentence unless you are against it.
  23. Somehow I've always wondered if there would have been a Borat without Michael Moore.
  24. If you took the time to make a shelter to live underground for years during the apocalypse....why would you go with plastic molded chairs?
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