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X. Benedict

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Everything posted by X. Benedict

  1. I think the posters have their own kind of brilliance.... but if the issue is defacing property, then the city should have a say.
  2. What was the argument?
  3. Slaughter is a tough old goose. I really don't think that her concerns are overstated.....most people will not be coming for information but with their minds made up. Seems sensible to use another medium. If I was advising any congressman there is no way I would let them hold a forum in the town hall format that has been going on.
  4. Now that Vick is on a team, when will the Bills make a move to get him?
  5. The summary may be helpful: http://docs.google.com/gview?a=v&q=cac...hl=en&gl=us
  6. this bill is pretty much up for grabs....but It is under Title III.
  7. In a finite system in which human organs are distributed now (or other scarce resources), how exactly do you save 7 70 year olds at the expense of a 25 year old? With a magic liver? The paper is addressing issues in which medical decisions are indivisible. (e.g. one liver)
  8. A guy posted observations without document citation. Why take the time at all?
  9. I don't know, but all his Twittering credibility is on the line.
  10. How much a year does working on a Death Panel pay? And is a federal health care plan part of the compensation package?
  11. Probably not. We are living in eschatological-apocalyptic times...always have been, always will be.
  12. it looks like survivor plus disability make up about 1/3 of payments. Check the graph on page 6. http://www.docstoc.com/docs/5171682/The-Fu...Social-Security Best I can do at the moment.
  13. I guess I was asking you....but I could look it up.
  14. I'm not sure where you get your numbers...but aren't about a third of Social Security recipients the survivors of dead or disabled workers. So it's not all a retirement plan.
  15. Obviously Right Wing Militias and Radical Muslims are running the country. The reality - Right Wing Militias aren't very dangerous because they don't believe in the Federal government - therefore, not a part of it. Very hard to legislate from a mountain bunker.
  16. More liberal than FDR, Johnson, Nixon, Carter? I'm not sure. You think the Democratic Party is a monolith. It's not. And that's a good thing.
  17. Did the Examiner review his book yet? http://www.amazon.com/Green-Collar-Economy...8837&sr=8-1
  18. If he ever takes a fighting major - somebody isn't doing his job.
  19. I don't think Anne Coulter is a very useful person. Hell, I'll gladly read anything you post by George Will, David Brooks, Peggy Noonan, and maybe even Christopher Hitchens, or David York. Actually I only wrote that because I think you are better (meaning generally more thoughtful) than linking to polemics... but okay....Anne Coulter....so I read it...that's what I thought. That's why you posted it, right?
  20. exactly what nail was she aiming for? I think she went for about 20 in a negative construction of argumentum ad populum fallacy. But keep buying this woman's books.
  21. I think we need to keep slurs confined to a single decade of reference. It has to be Stalin/Hitler or Pol Pot/Idi Amin. Never Stalin/Amin or Hitler/Pot But that's just me.
  22. Do you really think they can mess up with people that show up to chant? Do you think there are people out there saying, I'm one of the shouters and I've been unfairly accused of shouting? It could be, but I think that is an over-estimation. In November 2010? We'll probably see the Dems will probably give back seats...but that is always the case. Anyway, that is a district by district ground game... In most Districts during recess - Congressmen put their itinerary out for the papers so voters can see were they can meet them in 18 different places, and the same 10-15 people usually show up. They actually do their best to answer questions and never satisfy everybody and say sorry wish I could talk and drive to the next town.
  23. Actually Frank as talking about a Single Payer system....which when you get the 4th bill for something that's already been payed for - or you have to spend 2 days sorting it out as a patient to the detriment of your working life, it makes a certain amount of sense. Anyway, why are you against that and what "lie"?....Frank has pretty much said they don't have the votes but would be in favor. Probably there are as many people working for hospitals trying to figure out how they are going to get money from every patient's 3-5 providers as there are floor nurses. But I guess those are good jobs for people.
  24. Different medium...but I suppose you're right.
  25. I thought Town Hall meetings were the old New England liberal idea in themselves...you know....everybody has a chance to speak, however stupid.
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