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X. Benedict

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Everything posted by X. Benedict

  1. He makes the team. I think it is always useful for a head coach to bring in one veteran from a former team. He then translates to team the coach's past history and expectations. That type of veteran presence is useful and the guy still has a little bit of mileage left.
  2. In the case of tonight. Outscored would be the word to use.
  3. I blame that kid for the 2nd and 4th goals.
  4. What is a bandwagon anyway? Is that a band on a wagon? If so i want to play tuba. And why is it I can't drink until I get off the wagon? Is that a rule on all wagons?
  5. Some good perspective of course. My feeling is I can't wait for them to get back on the ice after this one.
  6. That is a shuddering thought.
  7. The kid had three pretty boneheaded plays. That was a tough night. Although he does set a nice screen. (for Carolina)
  8. Or people in Golden State not cheering for the Warriors. Where the hell is Golden State anyway? Does the flag have a star for that?
  9. Easy on Mike, this is another emotional time for him.
  10. Connolly didn't skate this morning. Very Doubtful.
  11. That'll show em
  12. Where I work, the papercut safety course has helped, but attrition takes its toll.
  13. MORE LIKE BUFFALO FANS ROOTING FOR THE CAVALIERS. man. feels good to yell now and then.
  14. Consider it a blessing. Now pour that 4:45 martini into your travel mug and start the weekend early.
  15. Actually the truth is more damning, The Beloved Leader now has the Crippen recipe for India Pale Ale.
  16. The same thing happened to me, and then I said "Damn, I got tricked into trying a Bud product."
  17. That's good enough.
  18. We can't all be Baryshnikov.
  19. I keep laughing at that car commercial with the little fairy. Everybody has seen the fairy, but nobody can remember the car or the automaker. But I digress, back to beer.
  20. I miss the old Dixie Chicks I never listened to, not this new Dixie Chicks crap I never listen to. I wish they would just become the old Dixie Chicks again.
  21. No mention of Iron City. Are they going to buy that too?
  22. Rolling Rock was always a nice summer keg for really hot days. A little thin, but on a day over 80 nobody cared. FUsmiley to Bud.
  23. I shimmy. I'm not sure if it falls in the rock category or not.
  24. There is still a despairing hope for you yet.
  25. I have decided to throw out some oxymorons just to pass the time: sunnily despondent gravely cheerful morosely optimistic somberly elated hopefully dour mournful glee Go ahead. Catch the Fever.
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