He makes the team.
I think it is always useful for a head coach to bring in one veteran from
a former team. He then translates to team the coach's past history and expectations. That type of veteran presence is useful and the guy still has
a little bit of mileage left.
What is a bandwagon anyway?
Is that a band on a wagon?
If so i want to play tuba.
And why is it I can't drink until I get off the wagon?
Is that a rule on all wagons?
I keep laughing at that car commercial with the little fairy.
Everybody has seen the fairy, but nobody can remember the
car or the automaker.
But I digress, back to beer.
I miss the old Dixie Chicks I never listened to, not this new Dixie Chicks crap I never listen to. I wish they would just become the old Dixie Chicks again.
I have decided to throw out some oxymorons just to pass the time:
sunnily despondent
gravely cheerful
morosely optimistic
somberly elated
hopefully dour
mournful glee
Go ahead. Catch the Fever.