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X. Benedict

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Everything posted by X. Benedict

  1. Never thought of it that way. Sounds too simple. That ruins my entire Pseudo-Religious-Cult-Schema. I guess I am going back to the whole Monotheism thing - at least for the offseason. The friars already think I'm heterodox anyway.
  2. Hockey Gods are not omnipotent; they are somewhere between gremlins and fate. They control the odd bounce, the freaky and the weird. Some people even think they help them get laid. They get angry when streaks are not honored - like Carolina touching the Price of Wales cup in 2002. All you Atheists might get big toe blisters. Just warning you.
  3. Who gets to choose the 5, us or the sharks?
  4. Darcy is a bum. Any good GM can tell you that you lose 4 out of 6 of your starting defensemen in a Stanley Cup run.
  5. I am not a Hockey God. I am just a medium. (plus I do card tricks)
  6. If there was some way to combine dog shows and paint ball, I might watch. It would be kinda fun watching some of those dog owners get tagged.
  7. Rochester needs to come up big.
  8. Yep. I am even more curious about the phantom calls on Dumont. It seems like he has had about 3 called on him in the playoffs. (I wasn't counting the game 5 call)
  9. Watching the interviews, he was baited into making those comments. But, he has also been around long enough to know not to take the bait. He didn't do himself any favors. As for Pommenville - there are two lines of thinking - the first is that we believe that he didn't see Weight (because his head was down - Jason, BTW should no longer have a head after this season - because he does occaisionally have his head down). Or you believe Weight, the kid saw him and turned. All in all, there have been a lot of dives in this series. I have never seen so many people falling over from contact with sticks to the outside of skates.
  10. I thought everybody gave Jeb high marks for handling Hurricanes.
  11. True. Store windows broken, fires in the streets, and riot police in Edmonton with water canons.
  12. Must be too many Ph.Ds are locked up in their research this time of year. Once you visit, I think you'll get the gist of it all. But they have the loudest soundtrack in the league...... WoooooHooooo!!
  13. From a 1944 movie. Wait until the singing ends. Solid Potato Salad
  14. Promise the wife you won't be bringing home a carload of drunks this time.
  15. Them benches is fer pitstops.
  16. This Barnett fellow finally thinks there is more nuance to hockey than just shooting at the net. Hmmmmmm. Your theory is holding up very nicely, douchemeister.
  17. That was the first Mic'd up segment that I thought was worth the time.
  18. Gidddy- UP!!!!!!!
  19. That is rich. Theisman pointing out who is a disgrace to their profession.
  20. The Taylor Hicks of 1974. But drunker.
  21. What's a Veto? Hasn't that gone the way of codliver oil?
  22. Rest in Peace, Paul.
  23. Any AHL player with NHL experience that would not jump at the chance to play for any NHL team is somebody I wouldn't want in Buffalo.
  24. Either that, or Jimmy Stewart knew something about Mary.
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