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X. Benedict

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Everything posted by X. Benedict

  1. Avagadro's beast. . Howzabout 666 vs. -273.16 °C Grudge match between the beast and Lord Kelvin.
  2. I think I noticed that years ago. It is all the Roman numerals decending. But as far as I can tell was never really noticed in medieval numerology or apocalyptism. Maybe because it was so obvious to latin readers. Cool one.
  3. What is the cosin of the Beast?
  4. I was glad to see all three go. Milloy - class guy - but not what Buffalo needs.
  5. True story, my cubscout pack was 666. We even had patches. Parents complained and we got rid of all merit badges for sacrifice. I think they changed to 669 or something by sewing the last six upside down.
  6. I wonder if anyone has ever figured out the polynomial of the beast solving for X.
  7. I always liked at the end of Looney tunes, when Sam the Sheepdog would punch out the clock and go home and another sheepdog would take his place. http://www.nonstick.com/characters/sheepdog.html
  8. 25.8069 the square root of the number of the beast.
  9. That settles it. I am not going to be best man if my Dad remarries.
  10. If proof were ever needed......
  11. Beware of inert gas explosions.
  12. Last words were: "Wow, I think we !@#$ed up," in a Mickey Mouse voice.
  13. Not tacky, and it does happen all the time. This is a hetero wedding, right?
  14. I'm O for McLaughlin Monday. But I still contend that the Rhombus is a noble, and often misunderstood shape.
  15. 1. best player in baseball? Alfonso Soriano 2. What is the coolest shape? Take into account the look of it, geometric importance and the name. Rhombus - the Rhombus, if not the best is the most fun to say. 3. Who should you root for to become that player for the 06 Bills? Royal 4. What is the best McDonald's song ever? I Keep Forgettin' (Everytime You're Near) 5. What was the best thing about Katie Couric's farewell? 6 to 10 AM.
  16. The bastard put the Kibosh on us. http://news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=story&u=/0...774d2c69ca73079
  17. Don't mess with Schumer. He is just he kind of guy that would put a bullet between your eyes without a gun. Just like he did to the Sabres by lifting an inflatible Stanley Cup at the NYS Democrat convention.
  18. Dora in 6 or Elmo in 5? this is tough...... Edmonton in 6. Final Answer.
  19. Hevesi is pulling the marionette strings on that homicidal maniac, Chuck Schumer.
  20. He didn't threaten the President. He suggested that the Senator threatens the President. Sen. Schumer must be stopped. Or not.
  21. There are always the monkey cages at the Buffalo Zoo. Go right after feeding time.
  22. Do you ever watch Elmo with the kids? When the puck was lying of the ice, I thought Rory Fitzpatrick was Mr. Noodle. IT'S THERE MR. NOODLE, IT'S THERE! Elmo came to the RBC one week early.
  23. I would never sign a lesting agreement for a Honda Fit. Now if it was an old LeSabre? I might lest.
  24. Labels, Labels. I look forward to the day when people are not judged by the animals they bugger.
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