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X. Benedict

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Everything posted by X. Benedict

  1. And think of the per diem their family has saved on the cost of food alone. That adds up.
  2. Sorry so late in the day, but the best gift would be a gold plated engraved entrenching tool. Surprised nobody has thought of it.
  3. No. But it is better the second time.
  4. How can the infertile in good conscience enter a union for which the primary purpose is procreation?
  5. Don't know many post-menapausal women do you?
  6. Oh dear. I can't find a contestant for the sexiest political hack. Wacka with the default win.
  7. you wouldn't have too, she pees standing.
  8. don't ever change. In an age of Hyper-babble, there is nobody more effective at creating a straw-man to pummel than Ann Coulter. She is so toxic that she is a genre unto herself - at best she is a little humorous, but really she creates a low monotonous gear crunching sound that is indistinguishable from week to week. She is the Popeye of columnists - She is what she is - but without the insight to carry her can of spinach with her - and impervious to moral development. In short: I think she's as amusing as a the bearded lady at the circus. But once you've seen her once... I know, I know... Bush Bad, Ann Bad.
  9. Using "Bush Bad" as an accusation of unthinking partisanship doesn't hold up very well in conjuction with "Ann Bad"
  10. Borg chicks rule.
  11. - I don't know why I find that so funny.
  12. Something I always wondered is this: When Kirk says fire phasers - who is firing the phasers? Or are phasers voice activated?
  13. If an undergraduate used sources like Coulter, they would be looking at a C- tops. She does outline some bare facts - but the recontextualization of her source material is so fallacious that examining it is quite entertaining, almost fun.
  14. That sounds great. I hope more good news follows.
  15. Wow. You did have something like that in mind.
  16. Close family or extended? Extended. It's a party! What if he was to have young children? Then they'll live without him. Should they be put to death for something their father has done? Not until they are 18. . And why limit it to Al-Zarqawi? Whose limiting? Shouldn't other mass murderers get the same? Good question Perhaps Timothy McVeigh's entire family should be killed. How about the Washington snipers? Blood debt is blood debt. Let's have a cup of coffee, I'm sure this is exactly what Bill had in mind.
  17. Hey, the President just gave a very understated message. No boasting, just a few bare facts. After 6 years I might warm up to this guy. In other news, Pentagon officials are in talks with the aliens from Kevlar 5 to give us the real president back.
  18. Good thing Zarquawi is dead so we can take shots at the real enemies, those damn liberals.
  19. It may be the case. But one hopes that this gives some momentum to those too afraid to help build a civil society. I think it is good news.
  20. Yeah, but when it was 06/06/0006 nobody was using the right calender or was worried about the beast. What fun is that?
  21. Breakfast before dinner. I think I always knew.
  22. For the Nippo-philes: Ryopyakku-ryoku-jyu-roku. The number of Beezlebub-san.
  23. Or they could get cute and go 666 1/2. Honey, I Shrunk the AntiChrist in 3d.
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