As a neutral interest in this match - I thought it was a lousy ending.
But then again, the officials have interjected themselves so much in this cup I have just about lost interest. Esp. after watching Neth - Port. That was a joke.
The US needs to ditch sports like baseball, basketball, gridiron football, and even hockey and channel our best atheletes into soccer. That way when a FIFA referee calls a penalty shot in the box that decides the game we can feel more screwed.
Yes, I agree to a point. But it was constantly presented as if it was an independent reason -the need to uphold UN resolutions. One could be agnostic about WMD in Iraq and still agree that they were in non-compliance with regard to inspections.
Of course this was one of the most self-serving arguments because GWB is probably the President most ambivilent about the UN in recent memory.
The primary reasons were WMD's, links to Terrorism, and non-compliance with the U.N.
In my mind it was quite clear that the decision to go to war had little to do with these publicly stated casus belli.
There doesn't seem to be a sport where calls are as arbitrary and discretionary as in the FIFA world cup.
That is why it is really hard to become passionate about this tournament. The world can keep it.
Curious perspective. The no-huddle offense required tremendous sychronization and execution. Do you say Roger Craig was a great back only because he was in the West Coast offense?