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X. Benedict

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Everything posted by X. Benedict

  1. I don't think that there is anything that would make it necessary for him to leave the Democratic Caucus. I am not sure about Connecticut law, but he could win a third party nomination without leaving the Democratic Party. He would never have to leave the Senate Democratic Caucus and I doubt anybody in the Senate would dare try to force him out. In fact, I think that would be a huge part of his campaign, that having Senate seniority makes him a better representative for all Connecticut.
  2. I dated one of those once. After I was down a few pints of blood, she introduced me to her Mom and we smoked spleef and watched Fox News together.
  3. Contrary to this sentiment, and it is a common one, I believe very few Division I athletic departments make more money than they spend - I would be surprised if there are 10 in the entire country that do. No Div II or III programs make money. While football alone may be a net gain for a university - that University usually comes from a major conference and has to support as many as 25 different sports teams (men and women -their scholarships and coaching staff). Most college athletic programs are financial losers.
  4. You read it here first: Willis McGahee is a Bucky Ball (truncated icosahedron) with popsicle sticks rolling down a levy at the speed of sound into choppy water. Try stopping that suckas.
  5. Doesn't add up, Robert Burns.
  6. Not sure. Who wrote "Scots Wha Hae"? we are talking serious royalties. . .
  7. Nocturnal Libertarianism?
  8. I have been trying to talk him into joining the Liber-Totalitarian party. No luck yet. We are small but growing everyday.
  9. It just occured to me that if Jews are responsible for all wars we should at least take the time to thank them for thinking up the American Revolution. That's worked out okay for most of us.
  10. It's a camping drink - Mountain Dew and Wild Turkey.
  11. We should find out today what the arbitrator sez JP is worth. I am thinking he may be worth a backup goalie and a 4th rounder.
  12. Truly a holy sh--.
  13. Didn't the Mayor there get upset because the locals refer to the heterosexuals as breeders?
  14. There was a game that night? I thought it was a Hall of Fame induction.
  15. Admiring himself in the mirror. Only Bruschi can break a Bruschi bone.
  16. The only thing I can make out of this would be that Max really wants to be here. Sniff ~ Sniff ~ the world is a little nicer today.
  17. But aren't half of those guys in jail to begin with from the Conservative War on Drugs? Hello Brothers, welcome to crime school.
  18. Bruschi fractures wrist: this is a good thing for the world because it will give him the extra time he needs to cure the common cold and influenza. ESPN is reporting that this will lead Sportscenter for 9 straight weeks.
  19. Quite a transparent yet opaque insight.
  20. I wonder if he turned around and sold all those jerseys for $20. That would bring closure.
  21. You are correct: from Columbia Journalism Review July/Aug 1984 pg 32. : "The precipitating incident was, of course, the disclosure that Jackson, in "background" conversation, had called Jews "Hymie" and New York "Hymietown>" The presidentail canidates remarks appeared in the 37th and 38th paragraphs of a 52 paragraph Washington Post story written by Rick Atkinson, a white reporter, that ran on February 13. After 13 days of denying and then expressing doubt that he had made the comments, Jackson .....finally apologized." -------- The comments were made to Milton Coleman a black reporter that who was the source of Atkinson's "Hymie" dislosure. Coleman had apparently not thought the comments were newsworthy- (or off-record) - and Atkinson picked them up secondhand. (ironically this all was taking place in the context of the much soulsearching by black journalists in the wake of the Janet Cook Pulitzer scandal at the Washington Post. Obviously Milton Coleman thought the remarks were not important or in confidence - but the Washington Post Editors were having a hyper-vigilant year. Coleman later reported that the comments took place under the request by Jackson to "Let's talk black talk." Moral of the story: Sell out Jesse to your editor and you may get death threats from Louis Farrakhan
  22. If I remember correctly, he was in a political campaign (1984). And the context was that he was worried about the danger any comments or how a public platform on the Palestinians would play in New York. I would have to fact check that - but I think that is what I remember.
  23. There comes a point were an actor's fame also becomes a name-brand. Independent of anything Mel Gibson may think privately, his name on a movie marquis alone would sell millions of dollars of tickets. He is a bankable name brand in his profession. As news, his name brand may take a beating from this. Disney might take a beating on Apocalypto - etc. Mel has probably done a million things in his career to market himself as a name brand and promoting himself as such (like any actor), and he has just given some of his own personality a little equal time. Is it fair? I don't know.
  24. I don't know if I buy that, I think that if James Earl Jones was arrested and publicly ranted about Koreans, for example, do you think he would still be saying; "This is CNN"
  25. I (profanity redacted) tend to think that Mel (profanity redacted) the bed. This is the behavior of a (profanity redacted) recluse. Sure the guy has some pent-up (profanity redacted) hostilities, but his anti-(profanity redacted)-Semitism, is rooted in some kind of ultra-(profanity redacted)-orthodox spirituality that makes no (profanity redacted) allowances for the fraternity of (profanity redacted) humankind. I liked him with Danny Glover though. Racial harmony works well in buddy cop movies.
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