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X. Benedict

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Everything posted by X. Benedict

  1. Islamo-fascist- I am curious about the use of this term now that the GWB has used it as well as Michael Chertoff. It seems to me that this term originated on the right side of the dial of talk radio. My question: Why the marriage of the two terms? How well/insufficiently does it describe the artists formerly known as terrorists? The term in my opinion seems inadequate or oxymoronic - Religious-Secular-Socialists if you will, and it seems to me that the administration has been using the term lazily to shore up the base. Comments?
  2. This is a disturbing day. People are pouring out their perfectly good Jamesons and Dewer's.
  3. Play by sense of smell?
  4. And Lebanon makes three. Syria recovers a client state that was slipping out of its axis and the Iranians have opportunity time to do whatever they want as diplomacy shifts away from their nuclear ambitions as the world tries to sort out a hot war. Its !@#$ing great.
  5. Well the US certainly doesn't win here. The US has clearly sided with Israel as this war has created hundreds of thousands of refugees, waged total war on infrastructure, and has killed uncounted civillians because of two kidnapped soldiers. Israel certainly has motives for violence. But how on earth is there an upside for the US in all this?
  6. I think Kelly is right. That is one element of it. But fight back? That seems to suggest that their actions are only reciprications. This is an invasion that is viewed by most of the world as a proxy war, regardless of the casus belli. Generally speaking, what alternatives does a pro-american lebanese have to get his country back? Forget Israel for a minute. I think this is a policy disaster for the United States. How can there be any favorable outcome for the US in all of this? Remember about 12 months ago when Lebanon was GWB's shining example of how US policy was transforming the ME? It is now DOA. What are the chances that a Pro-American Lebanese gov. emerges from this? I think slim.
  7. and two well spent.
  8. I loved Joe. But I also remember Chuck.
  9. The Hizbollah Dems and the Soccer Moms form quite a block in NE
  10. If you are under thirty and not an America hating anarchist you have no heart. If you are over thirty and you're still an America hating anarchist then you have no 401K.
  11. Joe with a 3 yd. run, Joe with a 3yd. run, Joe with a 3 yd. catch, Cater with a 38 yd punt. Just remembering the good days.
  12. This is tied to effort inflation. People want me to give 110% so when I'm only giving a 100% effort it looks like I'm loafing but in fact I am giving 100% which is 91% of my usual 110% effort. Now Joe is giving 120% and that is going to make my 100% effort look like a pedestrian 83%. Thanks Joe
  13. Why would conservatives all across the country want to support these Christ-killers? Old thinking: Jews are Christ-killers New Thinking: The Jewish state is intrinsically linked to the return of Jesus! Aren't these the same demented America haters that own Hollywood, and run the liberal media, commie socialists kibbutzing around communes, contaminating our childrens' minds at universities, and dominating that cesspool Hymietown? Nope. Those folks have lost their Jewishness and don't count. What gives? Let the crazy Arabs have at 'em. At least for awhile. This is troubling. Next thing you know they will be serving tabouli in Tel Aviv and New York, and Jesus will refuse to come back and eat the stuff.
  14. Generally speaking, rowboats are more reliable than speedboats. But who the hell what's to show off their sexy sleek new rowboat?
  15. Anyway, she has gone from good clean illicit sex to abusing tobacco. The planet is slowly turning into a cesspool.
  16. okay, just remain seated and the case is yours.
  17. That's disgusting. You would expect better from someone who participated in opium feuled group sex with Ryan O'Niel at age 12.
  18. A case of holding your clients to a higher standard than your employees.
  19. I saw that. Can't quite explain, but it was like watching an uncle you really like pee on the family photo album.
  20. This is the 20th century people. It is a shame that we still discriminate based on how many pods a guy has.
  21. There was that and his ability to overpursue.
  22. For an invisible guy, the other teams usually did a fine job of finding and blocking him.
  23. I think this is a better dump than ajzepp's.
  24. In Conn. do third parties have mainline candidates on the ballot? Most third parties in New York do not require that their candidates be party members.
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