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X. Benedict

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Everything posted by X. Benedict

  1. Breaking the window......that's criminal mischief for sure....they were already charged with that, so why not?
  2. Which would make him the robber...I suppose....
  3. Okay...I see...I was reading a different article.
  4. I did. What am I missing? The Kane's both entered not guilty pleas, no?
  5. I don't think it looks good for your DA's criminal mischief charges if your main witness is a felon. Even if indicted ...I bet this gets dropped.
  6. Was the economy really that bad on Monday, October 19, 1987? I think Tom's got a point.
  7. I am unsure of how it all works out...but I think the retreat of the dollar was engineered for this very reason. Retirees in the future might be getting a similar amount, but it won't keep up with a normal COLAs.
  8. What happened to good old fashioned romance.....like a love scroll on papyrus and cattle head for dowry.
  9. Peter, Paul, Mary and Motorhead.
  10. That works too.
  11. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n8QgFUXQJE0 massa on TV. He has been having town hall meetings too. http://www.oleantimesherald.com/articles/2...13264684783.txt Interestingly enough, he doesn't accept his congressional health care benefit.
  12. Actually the college model is already hybridized. Public options for education are Junior Colleges and State Universities. And probably make private Universities better. What's the better school, UB or Canisius? Probably depends on the student and needs. Though this email is probably fiction...it would be ironic if the prof taught at The Ohio State University. (that's without even talking about that commie loan program...Stafford)
  13. Good post. Stimulus (like cash for clunkers etc. ....$8000 home rebate etc. ) is really just spending a lot of money to move demand forward. It is a recovery package. Most of the country doesn't realize the stimulus probably just saved 10-20% of their teaching staff for their kids schools without raising local taxes. It is hard to look at something like that and say it worked when it looks like there has been no change.
  14. We are much better with a capitalist model, where the students that can afford to buy the better papers get the better grades.
  15. I can't say I disagree....(geez it's too big for me)...but tort reform is by definition a type of regulation. I really don't see the Obama initiative going anywhere at this point...but the country will probably try it again every 10 years.
  16. The guy who would know would probably be Henry Waxman...he authored all the California caps on non-economic damage. Actually, as much as this has turned into a liberal/conservative wrastling match....I don't think there is a well defined position in either party. Wouldn't lower medical liability premiums hurt insurance companies? Or is this liberals attacking profit again?
  17. Do you really think Tort reform is at the heart of it all? I thought insurance companies took Malpractice Premiums and invested them...which is a big source of income for them. Could tort reform actually hurt insurance profits...and thereby not create dynamic for lower premiums (Texas is much discussed here)...and not really get rid of all the unnecessary tests defensive doctors seem to love either. Just wondering if there is any evidence that Tort reform has lowered premiums and made health care more accessible?
  18. I've seen the comparison made more than once this week....which If I can remember correctly... there have been tons of town hall meetings all over the country on HR 3200 I can't remember any town hall meetings on the Senate Resolution to Authorize Military Force Against Iraq in 2002. I don't think there was one. (not even Sen. Clinton).
  19. http://www.buffalonews.com/cityregion/story/762125.html I thought this was pretty balanced.
  20. My point was just that most Americans at least tacitly support more than one.... National Rifle Association of America AARP National Federation of Independent Business American Israel Public Affairs Committee Association of Trial Lawyers of America AFL-CIO Chamber of Commerce of the United States of America National Beer Wholesalers Association National Association of Realtors National Association of Manufacturers National Association of Home Builders of the United States American Medical Association American Hospital Association National Education Association of the United States American Farm Bureau Federation Motion Picture Association of America National Association of Broadcasters National Right to Life Committee Health Insurance Association of America National Restaurant Association Recording Industry Association of America American Bankers Association Pharmaceutical Research & Manufacturers of America International Brotherhood of Teamsters
  21. I approve of compound bow hunting chicks... http://issuu.com/martinarchery/docs/martin...amp;layout=grey
  22. The French cured it with the Guillotine .....but is it removing the ass from the head, or the head from the ass?..
  23. The right to petition government and redress grievances - except for lobbyists ? It is a hard one to reconcile with the 1st amendment....we all hate him unless they represent you....AMA, NRA, AMA, ABA, AARP
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