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X. Benedict

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Everything posted by X. Benedict

  1. Does your friend get constipated after long flights? Genny Cream should do the trick.
  2. Tell the Doc you want a C-section on a Tuesday.
  3. If you had to write the script, wouldn't the twin bros. necrophiles have to be named the Grunkes.
  4. Those were good days, man, good days.
  5. Those are two very fast defenses. I was kind of cheering for them to injure each other. But FSU a little more.
  6. Nice idea. Who wouldn't enjoy "Breaking the Law" or "The Number of the Beast" unplugged?
  7. It is only because you guys are afraid of Crocodiles and Stingrays.
  8. 1. Nobody needs special credentials to mourn the loss of life. 2. Moral outrage is an earnest response when there are people out there willing to help a man who kills troopers. 3. Nice job with the Psycho-analysis there Freud. 4. If you have never loved a man or woman that served in the Troopers, or any law enforcement, you may not get it. Just sad. 5. Funny about what you think should be kept private after posting that crap.
  9. Anyone still undecided about whether or not Bucky is a POS?
  10. Screw Berkowitz, he never played for the Bills, he played for some other team.
  11. Moral of the story: Never perjure youself in inconsequential investigations. Just ask Martha and Scooter.
  12. But he is like having a coach on the field. The question is: who the hell wants a coach on the field?
  13. They still looked better than #9 Cal.
  14. And some people have family members that are State Troopers.
  15. Columbus discovered Clitoris - that's a laugh. I bet the Clitorinians were just as surprised to discover Columbus.
  16. Does Stephen King have a theory about Dresden too? Actually, Vonnegut would be a more reliable source, at least he was an eye-witness. Usually the Washington Post - and even the Wall Street journal review books for general interest - and Publishers Weekly mostly for any monograph's ability to sell, but even they couldn't help themselves calling the work "absurd revisionism" When you have a work like "The New Dealers' War" and only one historian in North America has bothered to review it, it is usually because his sourcing is generally thought to be sh-- and any academic library would only buy it for specialized collections for things like case studies in revisionism, or literary crackpots that occaisionally publish contrary histories to sell. Or some old academic drills to disabuse claims of facts in review exercises (something that sadly, few profs assign any more). If there was any upside to any of this, Tom's post was probably one of the best I have ever seen. Too bad you skipped the Diary of Anne Frank in 4th grade and went right to this sh--.
  17. What can they charge him for? Probably nothing more than a first class plane ride from Bangkok.
  18. Tom is sure to write something good. And then we will suffer a plague of "truthiness"* *spew unencumbered by facts.
  19. I have agonized over this all day. I say yeah.
  20. good point....what the hell is Kelly going to drink from?
  21. The thing I tend to notice these days is how structured kids lives are. Parents seem very reluctant to leave their kids alone or just let them play without it being supervised. I have friends whose kids have some structured activity every day of the week and weekends. That means school, special lessons, sports, and part-time jobs. The other weird thing about growing up today is they have lost the sense of the record album. All information is peice-meal and into quickly digestable segments. Not sure what this means - but very few kids have an album that all their friends own.
  22. Belated HB, Darin. Hard to top the Kelly cup - but I hope you guys can repeat.
  23. He's just like other men, but more so.
  24. What could be a better honor than a museum dedicated to the recently extinct? It was the height of tolerance, but quite a distaster in terms of curation.
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