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X. Benedict

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Everything posted by X. Benedict

  1. Tom and Jerry was made to change European perseptions of mice. How clever!
  2. Too funny. Brian Moreman as Skeletor.
  3. Black Bears aren't uncommon on 17. Black bear attacks are. You could always call the DEC.
  4. What would you want them to do?
  5. Flagrate delicto at the Ralph. Metallica set, Monsters of Rock, 1988. Was that you?
  6. You really should have started the strangest place I have taken a dump at the Ralph thread. Lots of short bus points there.
  7. Maybe it is just me, but when the Buddy Jesus uses the collective we - it sounds like all the saints and apostles have a tard-like opinion: You need the: Jesus is my Special Teams Coach - bumper sticker.
  8. If I remember correctly Okoye was a bigger Track and Field star than a football player in college. I think he was a decathalete and he was pretty good. Jacobs is nifty though. I love to watch him play.
  9. I watched the game last night with three ND alumni. First half I commented how they all looked like their dog had died. After the interceptions they sang: "Our dog is back alive! Our dog is back alive!" Notre Dame grads really shouldn't try to sing. Great game.
  10. It comes out that Armitage threatened Pres. Musharaff with "Get ready to get bombed back to the stone age" I think he picked the right time to retire. TimesOnline
  11. I think a good photo-analyst would be just the guy to help out with everyone's seasonal topical depression.
  12. The answer is in a zen koan?
  13. You have obviously never witnessed an Amish drive-by shooting: Clip-clop, Clip-clop, Clip-clop, Clip-clop, Clip-clop, Clip-clop, BANG!!! Clip-clop, Clip-clop, Clip-clop, Clip-clop, Clip-clop ............
  14. The 7th century was around the time of the crusades? .
  15. If they invested in a water softner UCONN might move home.
  16. The seven dirty words you say before you gun down a Div I basketball team?
  17. I understand where you are coming from, but isn't "Licentious" a better word for what you mean? I am quibbling of course - but unloading "liberal" for a shooting seems to suggest there is a broad based political movement that applauds this behavior. (unless you do believe that there is a broad based political movement that supports this behavior.)
  18. Whatever you think liberal means, I don't think it means this.
  19. http://abcnews.go.com/Sports/story?id=2458317&page=1 If this can happen at Duquesne it can happen anywhere.
  20. What I find amusing about this is that there are 300 stories about the Pope's anti-Islamic remarks that don't refer to what he said that is interpreted as anti-Islamic. This is the viral type of reporting that inflames rather than educates. "Muslims angry over Pope's Anti-Islamic Remarks" The Pope must of said something anti-Islamic because everyone is reporting he did, and in reaction there was more violence today.
  21. That's exactly right. This is the type of game we should have seen out of JP last year. This is how Bill Cower or Marty Shottenheimer would handle an inexperienced QB. Just ask them to play within themselves. Note the curious lack of attempts for JP to pull the ball down and play Mike Vick.
  22. That was probably the most dominant precision punting performance I have ever seen. Ever. A+++.
  23. 4 penalties for 30 yards. No turnovers. I can live with that.
  24. In all fairness. I think Saban was a much better tosser today.
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