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X. Benedict

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Everything posted by X. Benedict

  1. assassinations - not funny. autoerotic fatalities - pretty damn funny.
  2. It was really his mission in life to get kids to take their one-a-day vitamins. Just prep-work for the alien invasion.....
  3. It is sad, of course. But exactly who is it a cheap shot at? Or do you mean the behavior here is just coarse? It was suggested in another thread that this incident may be a Darwin award before we learned it was somebody famous. Does the fact it was a Yankee in an Airplane make it any more tragic than, say, a car accident with 4 nameless victims? It certainly does seem to make it more dramatic.
  4. The last 5 minutes of that are weird.
  5. Nobody should mock others with climbing shrubs.
  6. Now if he had a decent battery mate, like say, a Thurmun Munson..... You think the Yanks would put that in the contract, no piloting small aircraft.
  7. How much is a 2006 $ worth vs. a 1996 $? I guess it is all like having a football team - the winning team is never as good as they look, and the losing team is never as bad as they look. If presidents and congresses are going to be talked about in terms of economics, I would have to say that I preferred the surplusses created by the Democratic President and the Republican congress to the ones with the Republican President and Republican Congress.
  8. Not that I'm too cynical, but doesn't a new record mean the Dow is up about .1% since 2000.
  9. It sounds like you need a union. It also sounds like you made your choice.
  10. And they made her not follow proceedure? Then she screwed up. If she is loyal to you as well she should put it in writing that she supports the downgrading of the Warning. Ask her if she will. She may say yes, she may say no. If not, why not? If it is fear of retaliation from her superiors, guess what, she may not be around long and you should file the grievance. It is against the law to treat you any differently because of a grievance.
  11. I think you did. Is there a window for filing the grievance? You can always dismiss the greivance with the simple agreement to have the letter removed, can't you? (the union may want to press it as a test case, but remember it is your case and they represent you.) There is a greivance process so there are no hard feelings, right? They are the ones insisting on the warning letter. You don't like it. Tell your supervisor that it isn't personal, and that you are willing to accept the outcome of the process. You just hope you can get the letter removed. If it is grievance material (against your own bargaining agreement) the letter should be withdrawn.
  12. Why were they announcing a sell-out when I could by 20 rinkside this morning in 103 and 105? They probably didn't want Buffalo fans at the banner raising! Either way, good luck recovering.
  13. Good. But it looks like Worrell did a little more time.
  14. Drink yourself to prosperity. I like it.
  15. By their own rhetoric this is an oxymoron, you can only be an liberal elite. Republicans are much too folksy and only have the money that God permits them to have.
  16. So you admit that you can't create the coldest tasting beer. Very clever of Coors to include temperature as their secret ingredient.
  17. Liability Insurance and Tort Law wants to B word-slap your freedom. Does everybody microwave chimichangas at the 7-11 before they come to the lot?
  18. Hmmm? I have noticed long lines at passport control there. By the way, the Byzantine Emperor has apologized: Manual II apologizes for Angry Comments
  19. You make some fine points. The question is whether or not the French Polyglot, imagines our aquaman quarterback with that funky semispherical radiowave pattern, or does he imagine that our quarterback has the ability to discriminate between a cover two the way the chick in the Vonage commercial distinguishes dolphins - or in umbrage to him, Dauphins (Regis Gaullis). I know it's morning, but I think I'll start drinking now. BTW, isn't this the Lacan-ultra-dude? I don't know what to think anymore.
  20. Cogito ergo sum. then get yerself sum more.
  21. The basketball player?
  22. gentle, complex, sensitive? Nobody !@#$ing eats Adrian Brody!
  23. Cliff'em All.
  24. Why look "out there" ? We got plenty of home-cooking.
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