Remembering Ren and Stimpy:
The Hangin' Song"
C'mon everbody! Let's have a hoedown!
Oh, Lord loves a hangin'.
That's why He gave us necks.
It tightens up our vocal cords
And loosens up our pecs.
So if you are a horse theif
And guilty to the bone,
Go ahead and blame a friend
And you won't hang alone.
It may be hard to swaller,
But you'll be three feet taller.
It's a dandy way to entertain your friends.
You say you are a villain,
But can't abide by killin';
Go ahead a steal yourself a horse.
Oh, Lord loves a hangin'.
And so do we, by heck;
So get yerself a lasso
And decorate your neck.
Oh, we is awful ignorant
And uglier 'n sin;
So go ahead 'n cut us down
And hang us all again,
Hangin' that is. Swing a spell...