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X. Benedict

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Everything posted by X. Benedict

  1. I think Dean has more to do with it. To run a 50 state strategy they had to run candidates in rural districts - which are traditionally more conservative.
  2. Vote for Gingrich, so easy even a caveman could do it. Actually I think it would be great if he ran. He would be an interesting candidate.
  3. I never said I wanted to draw down. But I don't think keeping 145,000 troops there is sustainable either. I have an impression (nothing more than that), that our presence there is suppressing a large scale sectarian war, and that all sides are posturing for the day we leave. Probably drawing down will increase civil violence, but staying may be suppressing the conditions that make some kind of reconciliation and rudimentary nation state possible. I really don't know. Wish I did.
  4. There is no shortage of pipe dreams.
  5. My question was whether or not a draw down necessarily equaled more exposure, initially it would seem counter-intuitive that less people would by necessity make you more exposed. It could be argued that our presence there is only slowing an inevitable Darwinian process. (although I am not about to argue that.)
  6. Are you certain that is what it would mean?
  7. The article seems to suggest a draw-down not a pull-out. To pull out would leave that place a bloody mess. You know a policy has failed when you have no good options.
  8. After remaking the country in the image of Texas, we can remodel it with Floridian art deco.
  9. So without completing the mission, their deaths are meaningless? Refreshing perspective.
  10. What "something" would you prefer them to die for?
  11. Just told you. Neil's the man.
  12. Is a modicum bigger or smaller than a pint?
  13. There's always Neil. The man knows his way around Thai brothels.
  14. Same guy. Like a modern Janus.
  15. It's new for me too. I was thinking maybe I'd start with dinner and a movie.
  16. Nah. Hockey is a better investment of time and you'll be just as well informed.
  17. I actually think there will be a 8 month period of civil dullness before the presidential runs begin in earnest.
  18. I think most Dems are well aware of that. It is Bush that forgot he had a veto for 6 yrs.
  19. He's got it wrong. It's River Values: Never seen the good side of the city, and don't worry about money because we are just happy to give.
  20. Not necessarily. A strategic voter may decide that it is much better to have their candidate strategically placed in Congress to bring home the bacon. More often than not it is better to have a candidate in your district in the majority if you are at all interested in appropriations that come back to the local level. The big losers in this election, if it happened, are the ones that threw out a tenured Dem for a freshman Republican. Instead of getting a committee chair they get nada. Platforms be damned, there is a feeding trough to consider.
  21. http://www.rightwasright.us/ Now that the election is behind us, and the Democrats control one or possibly both houses of Congress, there's no reason not to admit it: the right was right about us all along. Here is our 25-point manifesto for the new Congress: 1. Mandatory homosexuality 2. Drug-filled condoms in schools 3. Introduce the new Destruction of Marriage Act 4. Border fence replaced with free shuttle buses 5. Osama Bin Laden to be Secretary of State 6. Withdraw from Iraq, apologize, reinstate Hussein 7. Engpsh language banned from all Federal buildings 8. Math classes replaced by encounter groups 9. All taxes to be tripled 10. All fortunes over $250,000 to be confiscated 11. On-demand welfare 12. Tofurkey to be named official Thanksgiving dish 13. Freeways to be removed, replaced with light rail systems 14. Pledge of Allegiance in schools replaced with morning flag-burning 15. Stem cells allowed to be harvested from any child under the age of 8 16. Comatose people to be ground up and fed to poor 17. Quarterly mandatory abortion lottery 18. God to be mocked roundly 19. Dissolve Executive Branch: reassign responsibipties to UN 20. Jane Fonda to be appointed Secretary of Appeasement 21. Outlaw all firearms: previous owners assigned to anger management therapy 22. Texas returned to Mexico 23. Ban Christmas: replace with Celebrate our Monkey Ancestors Day 24. Carter added to Mount Rushmore 25. Modify USA's motto to "Land of the French and the home of the brave"
  22. That's enough out of you, Mr. Poopypants.
  23. That's his agenda? Not a chance.
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