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X. Benedict

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Everything posted by X. Benedict

  1. They save their pollution. Dumb if you ask me.
  2. Everybody shut-up already, Sports Center is as cool as the other side of my pillow.
  3. They had guns when they had the 18th.
  4. The 21st amendment is more important to me than the 2nd.
  5. I think I am going to print this on a 3"X 5" card.
  6. The truth comes out. You hate intrusive government.
  7. God, don't we know it. And the man who blocked most of Clinton's health care legislation. This man should be your hero.
  8. "Earlier, Mayor Gavin Newsom weighed in on the debate, chastising the board for the effort to eliminate JROTC." He doesn't want to lose that future wedding market for hotbunkers.
  9. This is where crayonz jumps in to tell us how this paranormal writing is madness.
  10. I am hoping the undergrads don't catch on or they will be driving the pickup down to the corner to let term paper writers jump in the back.
  11. It all comes together, Cannonball lives in the Barrio.
  12. More often than not, the charge was senility.
  13. That must be the part you never see in the movies.
  14. CTM had Lightfoot.
  15. Good points. No more peer-reviewing to see if methods are sound. Much better to throw out arbitrary figures like 50%.
  16. How could anyone deny the left has venom and a general attitude?
  17. Well we are talking about the most ethical Congress ever, I think the threshold is pretty low for that mark.
  18. Beaten to the punch Merde!
  19. Oh, the Abscandy man can, who can take a briefcase, and turn it into blow, $50,000, and 2 or 3 ho's? The Abscandy man can!
  20. In the voice of Abe Simpson: "YEEEEEEEEEES, I seem to recall a bunch of Arabs, they served coffee with marshmallows and tried to destroy the millennium falcon and those girls from Charlie's Angels - those were swinging days."
  21. So the man who defended him 26 years ago decides that he changed his mind in the time since. Would that have anything to do with the fact that they ran for the same seat? Or maybe he wasn't interested at that point?
  22. You think Rudy is well-spoken?
  23. The Blue Ribbon label should have a liver fund. It's just not right.
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