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X. Benedict

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Everything posted by X. Benedict

  1. From coins to birthcontrol
  2. Look everybody, the PPP version of Rock-em-Sock-em Robots. One Blue, one Red.
  3. I don't know if he's racist or not, but at least he's not an anti-dentite.
  4. Holy Moses. I think I just ran into Professor Sam Kinison from Back to School.
  5. I think there is an equal amount of silliness to the equation. Wal-mart issued a press release about the incident! - Edwards hasn't called for the closing of Wal-marts, nor has he called for a boycott, or said he wouldn't shop there, but for them to be responsible employers and to pay a living wage.
  6. True. There are much worse Presidents like Hoover, or Novak.
  7. It may be a boon for Canadian Universities.
  8. Although I think there is really little support for what Rangle suggests - which is a draft to get bodies into uniform as an impediment to foreign adventurism, haven't there always been those in the Pentagon that have been advocates of a draft for specialized skills rather than warm bodies. Drafting nurses, linguists, computer scientists, etc. Is it not more likely that a draft would be the opposite of the one used for Vietnam? Drafting those with specialized skills among the college educated?
  9. He was very wrong, He should have said: "If that had been Marvin Harrison, you'd expect it," he said disgusted. "But it was Peerless Frickin' Price. That's embarrassing. I hope he doesn't feel too good, because we just shot ourselves in the foot."
  10. Has anybody seen that new Time Life Soft Rock Classics infomercial hosted by Air Supply. That thing is a frickin' train wreck of bad songs. The next one is worse than the last. 5 easy payment of 29.99. There is a reason you can't find that crap in stores.
  11. I went to Darin's church once, although he wasn't there at the time, lots of gunplay and the sacrament of the baby seal clubbing actually did make me feel closer to my creator. Be open minded, Dax.
  12. It sounds like the apology is more for his staff name-dropping.
  13. LA ironically, must be one of the funniest unhumorous cities in America.
  14. Lemme see, you want to have a serious debate about a proposal you don't agree with to begin with. Sounds fruitful. You start, why would you want to tie wages to an index that is itself political, and potentially volatile, and may go down, therefore getting rid of scheduled increases for the purposes of businesses having some cost certainty with budgeting? Eyewash, do we put that in the CPI? That may be more useful than figuring out a living wage and poverty level.
  15. If the plug don't fit, you must acquit.
  16. So if you are a low wage earner, you are a failure in life, or you made mistakes, huh? Maybe you made a big mistake by not leaving town when you could, instead choosing to take care of an elderly an invalid family member. (much better to dump that on the government). Or maybe you have a spouse that died of cancer and still have children to raise - really easy to pick up and go to where the wages are, isn't it? Much better to sell the kids for organs and move to the Carolina's. Yes. These people are failures in life, by failing to follow the free market of labor. They are stupid !@#$ing dolts, and morally suspect.
  17. Yes. The working poor are stupid people. Way to defend the military.
  18. That is the guy that is going to go postal.
  19. Just underpay your gardener $1 a month, you'll come out ahead.
  20. Hell, I do that to people I like. Dislike, no quarter.
  21. So tell me this, how does this Stephanopoulus have time to hang out all day with Big Bird and write a book at the same time. Puts a little hole in your theory right there, doesn't it?
  22. If you spend one hour at work on this thread, I think most of the country is already there.
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