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X. Benedict

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Everything posted by X. Benedict

  1. All London meant to say was JP has stepped up his game around the corner.
  2. Ockham's Shaver - shaves as close as a Razor or your money back.
  3. I never really found that battle very believable. Guys with switchblades and Bob Fosse moves should be able to get along just fine.
  4. Or Dominicans vs. Jesuits
  5. For a few years Oscar Meyers was putting -95% fat-free- stickers on their bologna.
  6. Affectionately known by fans as the Loogies.
  7. What color are the Jerseys?
  8. Every gay person I have ever met has told me they had no choice in the matter.
  9. I am not sure what you think induction means, but scholastics accepted as science the knowledge that precipitated from necessary truths derived from the syllogism. C'mon now. Doctinal? I am pretty sure that Aquinas put proof number 5 last because it was the weakest of the arguments. : "The fifth way is taken from the governance of the world. We see that things which lack knowledge, such as natural bodies, act for an end, and this is evident from their acting always, or nearly always, in the same way, so as to obtain the best result. Hence it is plain that they achieve their end, not fortuitously, but designedly. Now whatever lacks knowledge cannot move towards an end, unless it be directed by some being endowed with knowledge and intelligence; as the arrow is directed by the archer. Therefore, some intelligent being exists by whom all natural things are directed to their end; and this being we call God." This is a far cry from what is modernly understood as intelligent design theory. Scotus if he believed in teleology it is weak in his system, but he makes no intelligent design arguments, but focuses on cognition rather than design. He is about as close to a nominalist as you can be, but does hold that there is a bare, common nature. You are being myopic if you think scientific theory makes science. ID is the belief the world is intelligent and comes from a design. I quoted Aquinas sufficiently to know that he did teach that the world is designed and comes from God. Read the above quote as sufficient evidence. 846928[/snapback] What I am unconvinced about is that Aquinas believed in what is modernly called Intelligent Design. His final cause argument doesn't fit well with the modern framework.
  10. My point was not really the proofs. Aquinas's design argument #5 was inductive and therefore not science. To claim he was a proponent of ID is anachronistic. The Franciscans, Scotus, Ockham, mostly reject the teleological arguments and for the most part subscribed to radical contingency. Anselm for his part uses an a priori argument that in its age could be considered scientific because it is solid deduction. The problem is that science in the scholastic age was not based on the scientific method because it predates Bacon. Natural philosophy was pre-scientific method. Maybe in Aquinas you find the antecedents of ID, but to say he subscribed to it is weak because Aquinas predates scientific theory.
  11. There, there, John. There's always the country club. We're safe there.
  12. Intelligent Design claims to be a scientific theory. To claim that the scholastics believed in ID is quite inaccurate. Science for the scholastics included only deduction - Aquinas's causal argument was deductive but it was not an argument from design. The Prime mover was not by necessity a "designer" There are medieval writers that clearly believe in God as a designer but never claimed it met the standard for medieval science which was limited only to deduction.
  13. Prehistoric version of Vonage?
  14. Why would anyone insist on teleological causes? What is the teleology of the human appendix? And just so you are on sound theological ground, angels don't procreate and therefore are not subject to Natural Selection.
  15. I have the First Lady Diana - President of Wales.
  16. Marv Levy orders 4 chickens and a coke.
  17. Not really. But I always liked the I am rubber, you are glue one better.
  18. Well, it wasn't Thailog.
  19. Good points. I think we can blame society for his indiscretions. And Raquel.
  20. As is your Avatar, not all drunk Irish cops beat people.
  21. There is not one Seinfeld episode where violence solved anything.
  22. That's if you are going to the same hookers. They get older every year.
  23. Geez, I pay more for that in delivery fees alone.
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