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X. Benedict

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Everything posted by X. Benedict

  1. I actually think the ACLU has been good for the country. Their power - if it is to be called that - is a consistent record of striking down poor lawmaking. This, if anything, puts the onus on lawmakers to craft better laws or to at least insist upon jurisprudence. I am not a member - but they seem no more powerful to me than the Heritage Foundation or the Cato Institute that actually lobby for laws. *Lobby is probably the wrong word. Help craft laws is more what I am going for.
  2. It sucks that there is no US outlet for this.
  3. I would put him ahead of Marvin Hagler, Marvin the Martian, and St. Martin of Tours. He was much more marvelous. He was even better than Thomas Boom Boom Mancini.
  4. Over-hyped but not underrated. Foreman, Frazier, and Norton were all great fighters.
  5. Johnny Cash was the man.
  6. What are Canadian icebreakers going to do in 2040?
  7. Who is Chris Buckley then?, he must be William F.'s son, that dude writes some sad things too.
  8. Chris Buckley's Hallelujah comes to mind. It is his cover of Leonard Cohen. Which makes me think "Goodbye Marianne" by Leonard Cohen is also a candidate. Also there really should be a Chris Isaac tune in there somewhere. There is also Johnny Cash's version of "Sunday Morning Coming Down" which I think Kris Kristopherson wrote
  9. Looks to me like this story is an AP wire type of story. It is disturbing, and yes, disgusting. But I don't find that anyone's reaction to it has been offensive. To cry henny-penny that it has to go seems more disturbing to me because it seems that you believe its presence is some type of approbation that the community here finds that behavior acceptable. It seems to me that the story is quite factual and has resulted in a breech of justice. I find that part the most disturbing of all. In fact others questioned why it should be posted, which is a fair question. But I think you were the only one that asked for it to be deleted. (aside from someone wondering if it should) I was actually very curious why you thought so, but thanks for the surliness, dude. Oh, and by the way, Political correctness is what curtails free speech.
  10. Don't worry about it, it is just that it makes the people who want to talk about puppy torture a little uncomfortable.
  11. Hey you two, quit flirting in the puppy torture thread, I mean, like, get a room.
  12. If you're Buddhist,do you say Temple? Or what if it is a Buddhist ass? Can you still say Church. In Isthebaropenism we usually say just say "nice", but it is an informal thing - less letters.
  13. If you're Buddhist,do you say Temple? Or what if it is a Buddhist ass? Can you still say Church. In Isthebaropenism we usually say just say "nice", but it is an informal thing.
  14. How about pernicious breeds like the Canadian Retriever?
  15. Rules? When you looked back at the beach, were there only Elephant footprints? Isthebaropenism means never drinking alone.
  16. <hushed tones> that's not me, you've seen the prophet.
  17. That's part of the problem. I can rarely remember. We'll make it easy, if you see me you see me...
  18. I guess there is something preemptive about torturing cats that doesn't arouse the passion of the American public like a cute little puppy.
  19. Join the Nation of Isthebaropen brother, Chef X.
  20. The Rickster might be missing a few holiday cards this year.
  21. There is probably the opposite danger for the not hot naked dude and swerving away. I think it is a danger that we can live with. I support driving naked. Now naked golf, I'm not for that based solely on the golfing demographics.
  22. legal, illegal or extraterrestrial? We need more categories.
  23. Why do you want this deleted? Is this something people shouldn't talk about? Make your case.
  24. This is so typical. We never get to hear the Moulders side of this. There could be a perfectly reasonable explanation. (I couldn't help myself )
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