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X. Benedict

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Everything posted by X. Benedict

  1. Good Point - they are already crowding the slopes in a weak ski season.
  2. The B side of Led Zeppelin IV - Fast Times at Ridgemont High
  3. I have no idea. But, if it is proved that people do perform better in a contract year then it is time to put the whole country on short contracts. 1-3 yr. marriage licenses. 1-3 yr driver's licenses. 1-3 yr. teaching Licenses. It couldn't hurt.
  4. Icy road conditions in Portland. http://youtube.com/watch?v=SPE8vL5hlFA
  5. Good luck, Alex. Gilbride - holy moses, how is he still in the league?
  6. Wouldn't it be easier if Scarlett just did porn?
  7. A prohibition that has made it America's number one cash crop. And it is not illegal to smoke it, it is illegal to possess it. So if you smoke it, be sure to smoke all of it or else you are a bad person.
  8. And who were your starting safeties in this scenario?
  9. She worked security, and she had laser restraints and stuff like that. Maybe not the one you'd want to accompany to 10-forward but....
  10. What no love for Captain Janeway? She could shake it like Kate Hepburn. Sixty of Nine > Hoshi > Tupal > Jadzia Dax > Tasha Yar > Kes > Ezri Dax > Torres > Troi > Janeway >Kira
  11. Joined species. She used to screw like a man.
  12. My opinion is that there should be no such position as an unbound elector - who the !@#$ are these people. The system of electoral weight for each state based on population should remain, however.
  13. I am reserving judgment until I see pictures of Chiniqua.
  14. The Swedish Bikini team simply terrifies me....
  15. They both love America too much. America doesn't deserve them.
  16. Didn't one of the networks have a prediction Monkey? I think it is time Sammy the Hamster starts making Playoff predictions.
  17. Jan 13, 2007 - Wacka makes Orwell allusion.
  18. What is more likely, the guy turning into an all-pro or father of the year?
  19. I think he is too slight to play TE, and not fast enough for WR. I think he'll be a good pro, but I don't like him in the first round. I would be happy to have him in the 3rd or 4th round.
  20. I am planning on buying more land near my van by the Allegheny river. Once those ice caps go, I'll be selling Van lots to those poor underwater schmucks from Manhattan. Talking to the local farmers - especially the ones at the local Organic Farm near my Van down by the river - the big worry is that the ground won't get a hard freeze this year, meaning grubs and beetles are going to love all the produce this summer. Rest assured, if the rising waters don't kill us, the super grubs might.
  21. More than likely this guy is the next Mike Williams. (USC-Detroit) There is no way I would be happy with him in the first round.
  22. Which is why it is called Global Warming and not Dublin Warming.
  23. When it is possible, I think I'll invest in Sherwin Williams - 300 Million gallons of paint would send that stock soaring.
  24. There is no global warming. The ice caps naturally melt every 65,000 years or so. Of course I have a theory that humans rediscover the combustion engine every 65,000 years or so, too.
  25. I think this is a bad decision. If he were clearly a first or second rounder that would make sense - but if he thinks he is a late 3rd or 4th, depending on the draft he could slide a round or two.
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