I suppose many people have suspicions that encased in this mosque plan is the wink, secret handshake and nod of some kind of Islamic triumphalism - some radicalizing force that secretly seeks to make martyrs out of radicals and criminals.
However, I urge them to consider that the more radicalizing force is a community that feels it has no stake in THIS society, and nowhere to go, that even though they are fully American, their stake in THIS society is not welcome or in someways will never be seen as through any prism but that of East/West culture war, where one must win and the other be absorbed.
I think in some respects allowing this does more to honor American virtues, and thereby the dead, than creating some kind of Holy Perimeter or circumference of respect. I also would like to remind you that there are crescents among the crosses and stars at Arlington, a mosque in the Pentagon, and Kareem Abdul Jabar in the movie Airplane.