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X. Benedict

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Everything posted by X. Benedict

  1. One of the best sketches of all-time.
  2. This man is Ernest Scribbler: writer of jokes!
  3. interesting piece.
  4. I think you are over-reacting a bit here. The book burnings of 1933 pre-dated the genocides and were quintesentially Nazi. Private lament: nobody is allowed decent Nazi analogies anymore. Nazi are too bad to be compared to anybody.
  5. I guess they felt that Luke DeCock could handle Ned's load.
  6. Let's file this under acts of bestiality. Not that there's anything wrong with that.
  7. What exactly were Guliani's great acts of leadership after 9-11? He gave us some splendid visuals and an out jutted jaw of determination, but in terms of his office, I am honestly not very sure. Anyone?
  8. I have never been to a Target. I have been to Wal-mart 3 times in the last three years. If it was practical, I would never return either. I would rather have my nuts tasered than spend 20 minutes in a retail store.
  9. It is about time we had a sensible anti-humidity law. No humidity.
  10. A ban is clearly censorship, isn't it? All media have their censorship standards. I am not disputing that.
  11. Wasn't it said that their music was apolitical - so they were banned based on something they said, not on the content of their product. I don't think Market Censorship is such the benign force as you construe it to be.
  12. Was this the quote she was pilloried for something like, "I am embarrassed George Bush is from Texas." ? And wasn't it before the Iraq war?
  13. Runs like Hayes, hits like Mays?
  14. I'm not a Dixie Chick fan, nor could I name one of their songs, but when Clear Channel Communications bans your records it is significant - don' t they control over 80% of the commercial radio market in the country? It was clearly censorship. It was not, however, a 1st Amendment issue.
  15. you have to think big picture. Just try redeeming miles after you crashed in a plane. Don't think that there isn't a table for this stuff.
  16. With all that free time, we all thought you would have created the internet-weatherbabe-database by now. IWBDB And you started out with so much promise.
  17. Richard Harris in The Field was pretty sad.
  18. that second row is dangerous.
  19. now that was stealth.
  20. Rover, bad dog, that's terrible......
  21. I have a personal distaste for the guy but at the same time I think he would be a shrewd person to be helping craft policy. I actually think that if he ran for president it would be the best thing for the Republican party even if he didn't win. He would be talking policy while Brownback is talking about the need to ban gay daddies.
  22. yep. that's all it took to just get my head out of clouds. Newt Gingrich - - is one person that I think has some interesting ideas on this stuff.
  23. I'm not saying the markets have failed - it just may mean they need a nudge (which means they are not perfect). I think it was the sulfur dioxide pollution credit market (?) that Bush I created that proved to work quite well. I wasn't suggesting that nationalizing industry was the answer, merely that there are people somewhere between a Utopian left and right that see solutions in areas where well crafted policies and regulations may meet to enable new markets. Perhaps there are predictive elements in markets that can be helpful, but these seem mostly akin to short term commodities. Credits and things like that may help nudge beneficial industries to a point where they can compete. Maybe something like biofuels, or even in certain cases deregulation of things like hemp.
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