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X. Benedict

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Everything posted by X. Benedict

  1. That chick on the Quizzno's commercial that can't get enough meat.
  2. Don't let crayons know that.
  3. I can't think of anyone of the top of my head.
  4. Wow. More bikinis less beach. I get it.
  5. If call your own is a man-law. Then either somebody's lying or it was Lana - who can't break man-laws.
  6. Marxists?
  7. I want to teach the world to sing in perfect harmony....
  8. If there are any Marxists in this forum signify by entering a:
  9. I was thinking the Las Vegas Penguins. You know, where he blows a seal ....
  10. More bikinis, but less beach. There is always a trade-off.
  11. I agree. Keeping the Pens in the East esp. with the talent they have is good for them and the game.
  12. You Socratic serendipitous nihilists are !@#$ing it up for everybody. I just not sure how yet.....
  13. Never swim in the gene pool after eating.
  14. Sam Drucker and Mr. Haney were fine musicians too.
  15. You mean they aren't trying to kill us to keep their oil?
  16. I think we should start awarding straw points. That's if we can get the right-wing xenophobic misogynist anti-constitution segregationists to agree.
  17. Mike Robetialle usually just says: This ain't a game played in shortpants. It avoids the confusion.
  18. What-the-hell was that Creed thing that everybody let happen about 5 years ago?
  19. <Shakes magic 8-ball> Outlook not so good.
  20. After a full day of research I believe that Eleazar Arthur Paine was the Civil War General with the weirdest look: http://www.generalsandbrevets.com/ngp/paineea.htm
  21. US Geological Surveys National Assessment: http://www.usgcrp.gov/usgcrp/Library/natio...nt/overview.htm
  22. The burgeoisie, by the improvement of instruments of production, by facilitated means of communication, draws all nations into watching reruns like Baywatch and Nightrider.
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