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X. Benedict

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Everything posted by X. Benedict

  1. The children of illegals will be the gubmint.
  2. Next time cut ahead of that person and order the 1/4 decaf 1/4 regular 1/4 espresso 1/4 hazelnut Grande latte and keep demanding they start over because they are doing it wrong.
  3. Funny, I was thinking Yes, No, No. Put some shades on the guy and he is Max Headroom.
  4. I tend to believe that there is global warming/greenhouse effect happening, but I don't know for sure. I hope we can err on the side of caution. But once you get to the point were there this stuff is unfalsifiable then you are beyond data and should call people diicks.
  5. Free Love and a chance to go to Vietnam for free too.
  6. Just be sure to get the 40 time before you buy real estate.
  7. How do you know what I thiink?
  8. The Atlantic Monthly this month has an article by Buffalonian Gregg Easterbrook that includes that Buffalo may be a big winner in the great Global Warmup. There may be an unexplored upside. And AD, suggesting that we should be good stewards of the environment is just about the height of ass ness. Good thing you got taken down a peg.
  9. Most of our talk is trivial. To talk as if the quality of it has been ruptured by newcomers in my opinion is nonsense. Discourse on the other hand implies some reason and is applied with a sense of perspective -where things are measured or weighed. In the weighing, some scales seem to be calibrated much better than others - I read just about everything that R.Rich and Lori write (among others for example), because they just have great football acumen that is calibrated by a sense of an historical and even a market value (when it comes to the business of football.) Beyond that we have a slew of ideologues - and if it is politics or football or manliness or God - very little ruptures the approach. Being robustly ideological is not necessarily a bad thing - but it can be limiting- no need to pound down those who disagree, you just need to say hey X is X in my world and that's about all I can offer. We do have those with specific expertise however. That's the best part. Whether it is personal experience, economics, tech, or 60's sitcoms. That much is fun. Most of all I come here because it is a big sandbox and I have a sense of play. We can be serious about the castle we're creating for a bit, but it is mostly sand in the end, and the world is mostly indifferent to it, and no matter how much it may interest us and whatever mess we may make of it, it is there to start again tomorrow.
  10. In my experience work relationships are always in flux, so change is inevitable. Change may come slow or fast - but they will change. I never think it hurts to put your hat in the ring. Do the interview - and get them to honestly evaluate your value to the company.
  11. This board is like the Beatles. When everything is working, man it sizzles. When Paul and Ringo got it going, they had it going brother. But when Yoko came along and took away John's positive energy, well something great faded, folks. And what did we get? Another great album anyway. And then they broke up and we got Disco. So what do you guys want? - Abbey Road or the Best of Shalamar? Sure you may have gotten a piece listening to Shalamar - but that wasn't really worth "Badge" played by Cream but written by Harrison and Ringo and other guys on drugs when the Beatles weren't getting along. Lesson learned.
  12. Nietzsche's? I think I've partied there.
  13. : :censored: :beer:P
  14. It hurts when we pee.
  15. Nancy Grace, Christiane Amanpour, Rita Crosby, and that Beck guy on CNN that keeps telling me how stupid he is.
  16. And Little Jackie Paper is the Main Stream Media? I am starting to figure Wacka-World out. Slowly, but I am.
  17. Coy's Souldier's Coy has British seating?
  18. Low impact stuff, kind of like Thighmaster for the brain.
  19. Grapes? Nope. I like Grapes. I think he is more vampish than zootie.
  20. Nice one, Garibaldi.
  21. Write your items down - put them on the counter - come back and get your items. If other person is still in line, homicide is justified.
  22. (as I pick the petals from a daisy) Lana farts, Lana doesn't fart, Lana farts, Lana doesn't fart.....
  23. I hate card cheats, hoochie-koochie women, and midnight ramblers.
  24. I feel the same way about those damned Zoot Suiters.
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