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X. Benedict

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Everything posted by X. Benedict

  1. Hmmm? Maybe at the purple mountain majesties above the fruited plains?
  2. I seem to remember Martha Quinn touting the first one. Blah. Although Brass in Pocket and Chain Gang and some other songs stand up, If you had to throw one act out of the Rock and Roll hall of fame I would throw out the Pretenders.
  3. I guess you would have to be rated to be considered overrated....so I'm not sure if Nickelback qualifies...... The Pretenders are probably the most overrated as they are in the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame and their breakout hit was a Kinks cover. Some nice songs, but really, was Chrissy Hynde really a more seminal artist than Annie Lennox or even Pat Benetar.
  4. They all lean toward stupid.
  5. I never really looked into it...just going by picture one on the CBO. http://www.cbo.gov/
  6. Weren't the years from 97-01 surplus years?
  7. Those are the people with the cool record album collection.
  8. I want my two dollars.
  9. Demand number 5 is against anchor babies. http://savetheplanetprotest.com/ Hostage is a dirty job I don't think Mike Rowe signed up for.
  10. That's what he wants you to believe. He's a shape-shifter.
  11. I didn't know he was a paraplegic. But he does look like Odo from neck up. Whatever bonafide's aside - his logic has become twisted if he calling Obama elitist for over-representing minority viewpoints of those traditionally below the mainstream. I don't think Krauthammer is a bigot - but is "elitism" really the right slur here? Important columnist? I think he's pandering (dangling the red meat to the base) Something David Brooks and George Will avoid.
  12. Odo's logic. Not mine.
  13. "But because a comeuppance is due the arrogant elites whose undisguised contempt for the great unwashed prevents them from conceding a modicum of serious thought to those who dare oppose them." Let me get this right: This elite represents Gays, Muslims, Blacks, and Hispanic immigrants so arrogantly that people have to "dare" to oppose them even when they share the opinion of the majority (by Krauthammer's own logic)? Unwittingly, it sounds like he just called his enemies too principled. Tune in for a variation on the theme in his next column. BTW - How does Odo from Deep Space 9 find time to write?
  14. Family Security Matters? Nice board they have: Barbara Comstock, Laura Ingraham, James Woolsey, etc. Obviously, they have considered the horror of a victory monument designed like a YMCA smack near our national monument, which after 9 years is literally a hole.
  15. No seat? I think less of Salinger now that I know he was a hover-pooper.
  16. So the casus belli isn't about Islamic law? It's about nukes? Either way, going to war is always a choice. Less breathtaking than going to war over an eight year old's arm. But I don't expect Iran to spend billions on getting a nuke simply to hand it over to Hezbollah.
  17. Hoax. http://www.hoax-slayer.com/child-stealing-bread-iran.shtml
  18. This is breathtaking in its progression. Islamic law prohibits punishment before puberty. So I think you've been had. But.....think of all the noncombatants that would have died correcting this.
  19. Brilliant. of course that cave would need a dialysis machine...wouldn't it?
  20. Problematic. Then Catholics would have to make the sign of the Zyklon B to bless themselves.
  21. has there been any evidence recently that Bin Laden is alive?
  22. While unusual, the paralysis penalty seems less extreme than the death penalty, wouldn't you say? You are against the death penalty, right?
  23. A sneaky Shinto/mitzvotic plot to establish Sharia throughout Manhattan. I knew it.
  24. Blaming Sufis for Islamic Fundamentalism is like blaming Quakers for Nukes.
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