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X. Benedict

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Everything posted by X. Benedict

  1. Not being an ass, but I would say they already did that. Now the whole country is in factions, with some factions helping us with some elements of this puzzle are working against us on other things. I don't have any doubt that if our military had the ability to point at an enemy they would "go on the offensive.' Even Petraeus says there is no military solution to this. The private armys standing in the way of a political solution are also the ones providing social services and security to large populations.
  2. This is much more murky constitutionally. Who exactly are we fighting? And when was that authorization given by congress? It is no longer the regime of Saddam, is it? That is long gone. I'm just saying that it is murky.
  3. Happy Wackmas! And Ronald Reagan Bless Us, every one of us.
  4. I appreciate the entirety of your post Dave. I really have very mixed feelings about it all and want to balance our national interests with our obligations. What best does that? Just wish I knew.
  5. Thanks. I think there is merit to what you'r saying. But would it not also be of some benefit to let the Iraqis know when we plan on leaving? Conceivably come 2008 our situation there could be no better or even worse, and then we are back to the same discussion in 2009 or 2010. The administration's goals here seem so inchoate that it is hard to see an end. The administration has rejected a staged withdrawal so if there is no endgame, then a deadline may be the best we got. If there is no deadline, what stands to be accomplished? What is the best scenario that can be hoped for?
  6. My bad, but I meant vindictiveness, not vindication. Just a slip. Maybe there are things we don't see, but I still have a hard time believing they would be looking to move Spikes for any reasons outside of ability and contract.
  7. Maybe people are naming their daughters Jeff. Still I agree, nobody can make that decision except him and sexually ambiguous Jeff.
  8. If I had two more hands, I'd give it four thumbs down.
  9. Do you really think the organization is shaping a roster with a sense of vindication? I don't think that much of what is said is taken to heart - or that memories are that long. A Willis not bothering to learn plays or blocking assignments would be a different matter than speaking out in competitive frustration. The "Bickering Bills" as they were named said miles of stupid stuff in their day.
  10. I'm not being facetious - but what does 'artificial deadline' mean? I've heard it used many times - for some I think it means a "soft deadline" and others "arbitrary" and others use it to mean something other than a strategic goal.
  11. You sure it was Jesus H. Christ? I know a Jesus K. Christ that owes me a few sheckles, this guy just might be passing himself off as multiple saviors.
  12. I am curious about this point. There was a bi-partisan committee which advocated a gradual redeployment. Bush - as a politician and commander in chief - clearly ignored their advice. Is it Petraeus's plan? Perhaps within the parameters he was given, not to redeploy. By ignoring the Baker-Hamilton - Bush basically screwed his opportunity for political cover because, hell, he's either just plain smarter, or truly believed he found a better plan. But that's his call. I really do think Petraeus is the best guy to have over there - regardless of a surge.
  13. Bring in Jaws and I'll watch with the sound on again.
  14. I don't think Buffalo really had anyone with McNair or Ray Lewis's credibility to ride Willis' ass.
  15. Generally I think announcing troop movements is a bad thing if you are facing some kind of coherent army. But the real danger is that who we perceive as allies in the theater are "waiting us out" - as well as our enemies.
  16. I think the ease of Willis' manner has something to do with the simplicity of his nature. There is no deceit, just rank stupidity.
  17. Parents hug your children. Talk to them about the dangers of sniffing glue.
  18. Dolphins. Here is the litmus test. When I think of their entire secondary dying in a horrible boating accident, I smile. I couldn't do that for the Leafs defense. But if they all had a terrible skin condition that was incurable and had to walk the streets shouting "UNCLEAN!," Yeah, I would think that funny. Hal Gil: Bryan could you scratch my back it is so itchy. Caber: Sure Hal, let me use my stick. Hal Gil: I hate leprosy, Caber. Caber: Just be glad you still have most of your digits, look at Kaberle.
  19. Mom always told me to wrap it up if I go whoring.
  20. I take that back, the first download I just had text.
  21. I don't know what this means, but it is further proof muslims are bad.
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