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X. Benedict

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Everything posted by X. Benedict

  1. I got married to a stranger in the 24 Hour Church of Elvis. I gave her my name, and she trampled on my heart. She just wanted my pocket change for heroin money. B word.
  2. Yep. He said Julien was expecting it. It almost sounded like it was the owners plan all along to have Lou coaching for the playoffs.
  3. Not sure why the rise makes a difference. Militarily trained, but not assimilated. They were an imported caste and it is non-sense to talk about the Ottomans without their influence. Was your argument that the Ottoman's were not an ethnically diverse and strong Empire?
  4. Horseshit. It was due to the Ottoman's tolerance of minorities and the professional army of the non-Turkish Jannisary.
  5. Only a 6 century run for the Ottomans. The Ottomans still managed to kill nearly 200,000 allies in the Bosporus, didn't they?
  6. C'mon. McNugget is for the casual reader and isn't peer reviewed like Grimace's Educational Review and Statistical Supplement.
  7. The Ottoman Empire didn't last too long. Too many Albanians, Abkhazians, Arabs, Huns, Armenians, Kurds, Bosniaks, Chechens, Circassians, Georgians, Jews, Greeks, and Gypsies.
  8. I repeat, do not eat the brown crayons!
  9. Is this code to smoke pot?
  10. They are not that big or well funded. What they do have going for them is the name Catholic which almost guarantees that lazy journalists will continue to give them a forum. Pretty much Donahue is the Catholic League. I would be very surprised if they were staffed by more than 10 people. No telling how many members they have, they don't have to say. Their board consists of politically active people with no shame in saying they are right-wing or registered republicans. I wouldn't be surprised if most of their money comes from one or two donors such as Tom Monaghan
  11. George makes a mean Highball.
  12. I agree. Milwaukee's a great town.
  13. I don't think so either, but I think the work is oddly based on the Santa Maria Novella crucifix in Florence. I just find the work odd and slightly disturbing, mostly because it is floating in the air, and the head above the arms seem like an anatomical impossibility.
  14. This is just incorrect. See Michaelangelo's sculpture Risen Christ - loincloth added much later. Early Christian art, esp. concerning the Baptism of Christ has a history of showing the whole package. The infant Jesus - plenty of examples there. Sacred Art showing Christ completely nude usually had a theological base in the incarnation Many of these works began being suppressed during the reformation and the counter-reformation. Oh and Ultramontane artists resisted showing a circumcised Christ (I wonder why?) so to emphasize the incarnation (rather than his Jewishness) there was the odd phenom of portraying him fully erect (Edit: under loincloth - not a trifling distinction - my bad)
  15. Wow. Double Wow. How long have you been sitting on this?
  16. What was her name?
  17. His bread and butter is being publicly aggrieved. The other part of this that I find amusing is the museum removing the exhibit for fears of safety as if the 65 senior citizens of the Catholic league were ready to rampage.
  18. This seems to say a lot more about you than it says about Catholics.
  19. Bill Donohue and the Catholic League does not speak for the Church but for a minority constituency within it. At times it is often at odds with the U.S. Bishops. FOX, CNN, MSNBC etc. just love this guy. This guy could watch the Food Network and Weather Channel and see Anti-Catholicism at work.
  20. 99 bottles of beer on the wall, 99 bottles of beer, take one down, pass it around, 98 bottles of beer on the wall. who writes this sh--?
  21. Pundits are speculating, has Crayonz converted to Scientology? Will he order mammals to rise up and dominate the earth? 2008 candidate? An anxious press corps awaits with acute anticipation.
  22. We attack Canada immediately?
  23. Did anyone ever tell you that "bicycle" is often British slang for a woman of ill repute?
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